Agenda item

Housing Stock Transfer: Outcomes of Stage 2 Formal Consultation: Ballot [Key Decision: R&ED/09/14]


The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development and Corporate Director, Resources which provided details of the positive ballot result and set out the next steps to meet the target date for transfer in March 2015 (for copy see file of minutes).


The Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development advised that recommendations II and III in the report have been amended to read:


II          Agreed to proceed with the proposed transfer to the incorporated County Durham Housing Group, subject to Cabinet’s final approval of the terms of the transfer and obtaining all necessary statutory consents.      


III.        Recommend to the Council that officers be authorised to update the Housing Strategy 2010-2015 is updated to reflect the developments set out in this report.


Cabinet members thanked all those who had been involved in taking this forward.




That the recommendations in the report, amended as above, be approved.

Supporting documents: