Agenda item

Motions on Notice

Councillor G Holland to Move


This council recognises the benefits that County Durham receives from being a member of the EU.


In accordance with a Notice of Motion it was Moved by Councillor Holland, Seconded by Councillor Hopgood


This Council recognises the benefits that County Durham receives from being a member of the EU.


Councillor F Tinsley Moved the following amendment to the Motion, Seconded by Councillor O Gunn:


This Council recognises the benefits that County Durham receives from being a member of the EU, bringing social, economic and environmental benefits to our sub region.


Within County Durham residents gain from employment and social protections including guaranteed maximum working hours, minimum holiday entitlements, health and safety at work protections, maternity leave rights, anti-discrimination and agency workers’ rights.  These are directly derived from European Directives.  In this county many thousands of jobs are provided by businesses which benefit from reduced barriers to trade resulting from UK membership of the European Union.


County Durham is a net benefactor of EU funding and will receive over €170 million of direct European Union funding over the period 2014-2020.  While supporting continued membership of the European Union, we support reform of its institutions which will increase democratic accountability and transparency.  This should be pursued in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, meaning that decisions are made as close as possible to those affected by such decisions.


Councillor Holland informed the Council that because the Amendment reflected his Motion he was willing to accept the Amendment as the Substantive Motion.


Upon a vote being taken it was



This Council recognises the benefits that County Durham receives from being a member of the EU, bringing social, economic and environmental benefits to our sub region.


Within County Durham residents gain from employment and social protections including guaranteed maximum working hours, minimum holiday entitlements, health and safety at work protections, maternity leave rights, anti-discrimination and agency workers’ rights.  These are directly derived from European Directives.  In this county many thousands of jobs are provided by businesses which benefit from reduced barriers to trade resulting from UK membership of the European Union.


County Durham is a net benefactor of EU funding and will receive over €170 million of direct European Union funding over the period 2014-2020.  While supporting continued membership of the European Union, we support reform of its institutions which will increase democratic accountability and transparency.  This should be pursued in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, meaning that decisions are made as close as possible to those affected by such decisions.