Agenda item

Questions from Members


Councillor A Watson


This Council agreed last October that the respective Cabinet Portfolio Holder instigate an inquiry with a report to full Council setting out answers to how a recent Employment Tribunal compensation award payable to a School Teacher which escalated from originally £59,321 in 2008 to an estimated £1.5m was allowed to happen, how this occurred and the lessons learned from it.  Is this report imminent and has this inquiry involved an interview with the successful Claimant?


Councillor O Johnson, Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People’s Services thanked Councillor Watson for his question.


The Councils Internal Audit Service was carrying out an independent inquiry and their work was well under way.  Position statements had been gathered from officers in all the Services involved, including Human Resources, Legal Services and School and Governor Support.


The inquiry should be completed in time for a report to be brought to Council in June 2016.