Agenda item

Media Relations



The Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred Members to the recent prominent articles and news stories relating to the remit of the Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for copy see file of minutes).  The articles included: motorists taking photographs and video while at the wheel, with some drivers “streaming” video; Durham Constabulary catching over 100 speeding drivers per day; linking to the Organised Crime item, 11 arrests being made in connections with drugs across South Shields, Durham and Sunderland; and linking to the Youth Offending Service item, a pet charity had teamed up with the Youth Offending Service in terms of “status dogs” and on issues of the animals’ welfare.


The Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities, Councillor J Allen noted that following the success of the “Dying to be Cool” water safety campaign, the Local Government Association (LGA) were taking the issue forward nationally, with Durham as a key contributor and the work undertaken being seen as best practice.




That the presentation be noted.