Agenda item

Stronger Families Programme - Phase 2 Update


The Committee considered a report of Interim Corporate Director of Children and Young Peoples Services, which provided an update relating to Phase 2 of the Stronger Families Programme (for copy see file of minutes).


The Strategic Manager, Think Family Services presented the report to Members and highlighted the relevant points in relation to phase one and two of the Stronger Families Programme.


The Chairman described the report as being positive and praised the efforts of the team for being on target for the second phase of the programme.


Councillor Hopper queried cuts to services and the effects that staff shortages may have on the programme.  The Strategic Manager confirmed that there was a national shortage of Social Workers and recruitment was taking place in order to address that in Durham, with the Councils Social Work Academy assisting with learning and development of newly qualified SW’s. She confirmed that Durham had not recruited staff specifically to work on the programme and instead utilised existing staff, however it was acknowledged that should there be a reduction in staff, it may be difficult to continue operating in such a positive way.


Councillor Armstrong confirmed that a meeting was being held with the Interim Corporate Director of Children and Young Peoples Services where the future activity of Overview and Scrutiny and Corporate Parenting Panel would be considered.


For information, Councillor Armstrong confirmed that a presentation would be provided to the Committee following Ofsted inspection, which focused on the number of Social Workers, their caseloads and how they prioritised work.


The Strategic Manager concluded that although many services were being reduced, it had not affected partnerships, which remained strong – particularly that with Durham Constabulary.




That the report be noted.

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