Agenda item

Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence - David of Durham Wine, 2 Roman Road, Brandon


Consideration was given to the report of the Senior Licensing Officer regarding an application for a Premises Licence in respect of David of Durham Wine, 2 Roman Road, Brandon.


A copy of the application, location plan and supporting documents had been circulated.


The Senior Licensing Officer circulated to Members an additional condition that had been agreed by the Applicant following consultation with the Local Safeguarding Children Board.


The Senior Licensing Officer presented the report and indicated that the Applicant had agreed to amend the application so that the sale of alcohol would be 8.00 am to 6.00 pm only.


A copy of the Applicants response to representations had been circulated to parties prior to the meeting.


PCSO M Haigh on behalf of Durham Constabulary was in attendance and addressed the Sub-Committee on Durham Constabulary’s objections to the application.


Following the submission by Durham Constabulary, Members asked if the meeting could be adjourned to allow mediation to take place.


The meeting adjourned at 10.45 am to allow the Council’s Solicitor to seek further advice on an adjournment.


At 11.15 am the meeting re-convened and the Councils Solicitor advised Members that regulations allowed for an adjournment if necessary.


The Chairman and Members agreed to adjourn the meeting to allow the Applicant to make further enquiries and to enter into mediation with Durham Constabulary as there were a number of issues that required addressing.


Resolved: That the meeting be adjourned and re-convened when the applicant had considered the following and had entered into mediation with Durham Constabulary.


  • Fire safety at the premises. The Sub-Committee suggested that you consult with the Fire Service for advice regarding this;
  • Building regulation considerations concerning the weight of the material to be stored at the premises;
  • Whether the planning authority have any comments regarding this matter and whether a change of use for the premises would be required (although the Sub-Committee are aware that planning considerations are a separate matter to the licensing hearing);
  • Improvements should be considered to your operating schedule to make it more robust in addressing the licensing objectives;
  • A proper delivery policy should be considered to ensure the ‘dial a drink’ scenario raised by Durham Constabulary is avoided;
  • An age verification system should be proposed to confirm how the protection of children from harm objective will be addressed;
  • CCTV and lighting at the premises should be considered to assist with the crime and disorder objective;
  • Confirmation that the garage of the premises will not be used to store alcohol;
  • A full colour plan and colour location photos should be submitted.

Supporting documents: