Agenda item

DM/16/01931/FPA - 16 Meadhope Street, Wolsingham

Installation of UPVC Windows (Retrospective)


The order of business was amended in order for application 5 e) on the Agenda to be considered first.


Consideration was given to the report of the Planning Officer regarding an application for the retrospective installation of UPVC windows at 16 Meadhope Street, Wolsingham.


The Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included plans and photographs of the site.  Members had also attended a site visit to the property.


Councillor Shuttleworth, Local Member, addressed the Committee in support of the application having requested that it be called to Committee.  He referred to the recent renovation as high standard and reflected on the properties’ previous years, having been pebble dashed and unsightly.  The wooden framed windows which were manufactured in the 1980’s were unable to last more than ten years, regardless of their treatment.  Furthermore the permission which had been granted in November 2014 only referred to the construction of UPVC windows and did not refer to sliding sash style windows.  The current windows which had been installed were an upgrade to the previous windows as Members would have observed on the site visit, and they benefitted the visual appearance of the street.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that when planning permission was granted in 2014, a detailed plan showing sliding sash style windows would have been attached to the planning permission; however in response to Councillor Patterson he confirmed that a copy was not available to the Committee.


Councillor Davidson confirmed that the Committee could not consider debating the quality of UPVC or wooden frames; the point of Article 4 was to ensure that the character of the windows was correct in relation to the conservation area.  The windows installed were not a sliding sash window and that is what had been required by the previous permission granted.  He referred to the significance of planning control and the Article 4 Direction which removed permitted development rights in order to preserve, and in this case enhance, the characteristics of buildings.  The fact that the building had been previously been pebble dashed and now wasn’t indicated that the area was improving and to ensure that it continued to improve for future generations, Councillor Davidson moved the recommendation for approval.


Councillor B Armstrong referred to the number of properties listed within the report which had been refused permission for applications with regard to non-sliding sash windows and considered approval would be unfair to those who had conformed to the required standard.  In addition, if the Committee allowed one application, it would set a precedent for future applications and therefore, in order to protect the historical character of the Wolsingham Conservation Area, Councillor Armstrong seconded the recommendation.


Councillor Richardson referred to the photograph of the building and high standard of work done to the property.  With regards to the rest of the street, there were existing windows of all shapes and sizes and he did not see a problem with the application and could therefore not support the recommendation to refuse.


Councillor Morrison noted issues with the style and design of the windows which had been installed and suggested that Members should show consideration as to whether the design of the windows were of a satisfactory standard.




That the application be refused on the grounds outlined in the report.

Supporting documents: