Agenda item

DM/16/00848/FPA - Fern House, Cotherstone, Barnard Castle

Erection of first floor and single storey extension to rear


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Planning Officer regarding an application for the erection of first floor and single storey extension to the rear of Fern House, Cotherstone, Barnard Castle.  


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included plans and photographs of the site.


The Applicant addressed the Committee and confirmed that when the property was purchased in 2014, it was in need of substantial renovation. The plan was to retain the original character of the building and work commenced immediately to install the sliding sash windows in order to improve the front elevation of the house.  Many favourable comments had been made about the improvements already made and the rear extension was always intentional.  The claims by the Parish Council that the footprint of the house would be doubled, was incorrect.  The increase was in fact only 17% and the extension would only take up 4.5% of the rear garden, which equated to the surface area of the existing patio. Many inaccurate claims had been made by the Parish Council and their statement may have been responsible for the objections received from other residents in the area.  With regards to the original application, the balcony had been removed in order to respect privacy concerns.  With regards to the additional two gable end windows, they would be obscure glazed as it they were proposed bathroom windows.  He accepted the work would cause a disturbance but he had always intended to keep neighbours well informed.  He was surprised that the application could be brought to Committee based on factually incorrect statements by the Parish Council and confirmed that the delay in the planning process had impacted personally and financially.


In response to a query from the Chairman, the applicant confirmed that there was a separation distance of 21m to the nearest property.


Councillor Davidson moved that the recommendation be approved and Councillor Tinsley seconded the proposal.


Councillor Richardson added that local members were comfortable with the proposal following the removal of the balcony.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outline in the report.

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