Agenda item

3/2003/0267 - Land North of Smith Street, Tow Law

Outline application for up to 38 no. dwellings with all matters reserved


Consideration was given to the report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the up to 38 dwellings with all matters reserved at Land North of Smith Street, Tow Law.


The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included plans and photographs of the site.


Councillor Hart, Local Member, had submitted a statement in support of the application which was read out in his absence.  He confirmed that the long term sustainability of Tow Law relied upon attracting and retaining residents.  This development would add to the local housing stock and improve the visual appeal of the town, by replacing a neglected and semi-derelict part of town with a modern development.


The Chairman queried the reduced level of off-site contributions and the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that although £1000 per dwelling would be the normal amount required, planning authorities were required to take a flexible approach in accordance with the viability of the site and £20k was deemed to be an appropriate sum in the circumstances.  There were potential unknowns regarding the build cost as the area had left behind a coal mining legacy and there was also a concern regarding market values, which could potentially impact on the viability of the development.  Should the market value increase, the agreement would be reviewed and there would be an opportunity to maximise the agreement.


Councillor Richardson moved the recommendation for approval.


Councillor Patterson referred to the 15m buffer zone on the application site, adjacent to Hedleyhope Nature Reserve. She queried whether the dwellings which were adjacent to the buffer zone would have permitted development rights removed in order to maintain the 15m zone.  The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that the zone would be an area of reserved and maintained land beyond the perimeter of the site and would not include gardens.  Councillor Patterson seconded the recommendation.


In response to concerns from Councillor Armstrong, the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that Ecology was being consulted regarding the landscaping of the buffer zone and limiting the impact on the Nature Reserve would be advised.




That the application be approved on the grounds outlined in the report.


Councillor Patterson left the meeting.


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