Agenda item

Quarter 1 2016/17 Performance Management Report

Report of the Director of Transformation and Partnerships – Strategic Manager – presented by the Performance and Information Management, Planning and Service Strategy.


The Chairman introduced the Strategic Manager - Performance and Information Management, Keith Forster and the Analyst, Durham Constabulary, Samantha Level who were in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter 1 2016/17 Performance Management Report for the Altogether Safer theme (for copy see file of minutes).


The Strategic Manager - Performance and Information Management referred Members to the report and noted key performance achievements, including: continued good performance in relation to those using services having said those services made them feel safe and secure; the number of first time entrants to the Youth Justice System being better than target; and a reduction in anti-social behaviour (ASB) figures.


It was noted that the key performance issues included underperformance in respect of the number of people completing alcohol and drug treatment, noting the new provider, Lifeline had been in attendance to speak to Members at a special meeting of the Committee.


In respect of crime statistics, the Analyst, Durham Constabulary reminded Members of the changes in national timescales in terms of recording of crime and how this nationally was increasing the crime rate, however, in County Durham the rate per 1,000 population in Durham was 10.9, lower than a national figure of 11.7.  Members noted that the number of harassment cases had reduced and that the number of hate incidents had seen an increase of 12.2% in comparison to the same period last year.  It was explained that while the figures for theft offences had increased, the rate of theft offences in the Durham area was lower than for similar areas and the national average.  Members noted the levels of anti-social behaviour, the lowest since 2014 and the Strategic Manager - Performance and Information Management added that the issues in terms of road safety had been covered within the presentation by the Strategic Traffic Manager.


The Chairman thanked the Strategic Manager - Performance and Information Management and noted that the 49% increase in crime was comparable to other areas across the country and appeared to be as a result of the changes in reporting crime.  The Chairman added that the performance in terms of the drug and alcohol service continued to be disappointing, with the Committee to continue to monitor the situation.




That the report be noted.


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