Agenda item

CE/14/00086/FPA - High Farm, High Hesleden

Demolition of agricultural units, conversion of four agricultural buildings to dwellings and nine new dwellings.


The Principal Planning Officer, Alan Dobie gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, copies of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The Officer advised that Members of the Committee had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.  The application was for the demolition of agricultural units, conversion of four agricultural buildings to dwellings and nine new dwellings and was recommended for approval, subject to conditions.


It was explained that the hamlet was approximately 1 km from the neighbouring settlements of Hesleden and Blackhall and it was also on a bus route.  Members noted that the site currently had a mix of building types, with some older historic on the site frontage and it was thought that development would help to ensure these buildings were retained and conserved for the future. 

The Principal Planning Officer added that the applicant had explained that in a change from livestock to arable farming, another site would be used for operations and effectively this site would no longer be used in terms of farming.  It was added that there was a speed chicane close to the proposed site access and this would require to be moved or altered accordingly. 


The Committee noted that there had been no objections from the internal and statutory consultees in relation to the application, subject to conditions and the redesigning of the traffic calming as described. 

It was added that should the application be approved, those works to the chicane would need to be approved before any works on the application site could commence.  It was noted that Highways Officers believed a suitable scheme would be feasible; however, should any issues come forward, determination could be made by the Highways Committee.


Members noted there were 4 letters of objection from Monk Heselden Parish Council and residents in terms of: a lack of regular public transport; lack of facilities; residents not wishing the size of the hamlet to increase affecting the character of the area; and in terms of additional traffic speeding through the village.


The Principal Planning Officer referred Members to Paragraph 61 of the report, specifically in reference to buildings outside of the settlement limits being removed and the land returned to agricultural fields and explained this would require an additional condition in terms of making this a requirement.  Councillors noted a Section 106 Legal Agreement in terms of financial contributions towards play and recreational facilities and also, as usual for many developments near to the coast, a contribution towards the Durham Heritage Coast Management Plan.  Contrary to the report, this needed to be specific to a named scheme, and it was intended that the financial contribution be made towards Activity No. 13 Beachcare Programme.


The Chairman noted there were no registered Speakers and asked Members of the Committee for their questions and comments on the application.


Councillor J Alvey noted from personal experience that the road past the site was a quiet road, however, some people did speed along this section and therefore the speed chicane should be reinstated in an appropriate alternative location if removed to enable a site access.


Councillor P Conway noted he was minded to move the recommendation for approval, however noted a slight concern in terms of comments from Design and Conservation in relation to amenity, and noted the proposed additional condition.  The Principal Planning Officer noted the concerns from Design and Conservation had not been in terms of amenity, rather the layout of the development, however, these were not thought to outweigh the benefits of development. 


Councillor J Lethbridge noted the information from Councillor J Alvey were useful in terms of understanding the highways issues and commented that when visiting the site there was little noise or activity, save a few sparrows, a cat and a horse. 


Councillor J Lethbridge added that while at the site it was clear that should the farm buildings not be demolished and the site developed, those buildings would fall down of their own accord.  Councillor J Lethbridge added he supported the Officer’s recommendation, noting he would like to think the development would be sympathetic to the area, the magnesian limestone grassland, the nearby coast and to keep aspects such as the higgledy-piggledy bricks and use other appropriate sympathetic materials.     


Councillor P Conway moved that the application with the additional condition be approved; he was seconded by Councillor J Lethbridge.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the Section 106 Agreement, the conditions detailed in the Officer’s report to the Committee and an additional condition, to be drafted by Officers, requiring removal and clearance of the existing buildings identified for demolition.


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