Agenda item

Quarter One 2016/17 Performance Management Report


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Management Team which presented progress against the Council’s corporate basket of performance indicators, Council Plan, and service plan actions and other performance issues for the first quarter of the 2016/17 financial year, covering the period April to June 2016 (for copies see file of minutes).


The Strategic Manager, Performance and Information Management presented Members with an overview of the report.


Councillor Hart queried whether there had been a response a question he had raised at the meeting in July with regards to CASCYP 30 and the waiting times for CAMHS referrals.  The Strategic Manager, Performance and Information Management confirmed that a response had been received from the CCG and Tees, Esk and Wear Valley Foundation Trust.  Both had had acknowledged that the 22% increase in referrals needed addressing, possibly by re-evaluating the service in order for patients who require lower level services to be referred quickly and also free up clinical staff to treat patients requiring more complex treatment.  The Overview and Scrutiny Officer confirmed that the written response would be forwarded to Councillor Hart following the meeting.




That the report be noted.

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