Agenda item

CAS - Revenue and Capital Outturn 2015/16 and CAS Quarter 1 Forecast of Revenue and Capital Outturn 2016/17


The Committee considered a report of the Head of Finance (Financial Services), presented by the Finance Manager for Corporate Resources.  The report provided details of the updated forecast outturn position for the Children and Adults Services (CAS) service grouping, covering both revenue and capital budgets and highlighting major variances in comparison with the budget, based on spending to the end of March 2016. The Finance Manager delivered a presentation on the Revenue and Capital Outturn Forecast for Quarter 1, 2015/16 (for copy of report and slides see file of Minutes).


Councillor Temple was conscious of the underspend position and if consistent asked how it was an ongoing underspend.  The Interim Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services advised that new people were coming into the system and care packages were continuously being reviewed.  The figures were not static in term of the piece of work and the demographics showed the savings were slowing down but assured the Committee that it was consistently looked at.  The Chairman appreciated that there was a lot of work being carried out to maintain services, despite austerity.  The Interim Corporate Director said that the Service were mindful that they had a statutory responsibility to fulfil.



That the revenue and capital outturn, summarised in the outturn report to Cabinet in July, be noted.

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