Agenda item

2016/17 Quarter 1 Performance Management Report


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Transformation and partnerships that presented progress against the councils corporate basket of performance indicators, Council Plan and service plan actions and other performance issues for the Altogether Healthier theme for the first quarter of  2016/17 financial year, covering the period April to June 2016 (for copy see file of minutes).


The Head of Planning & Service Strategy advised that key achievements in this quarter for smoking cessation, self-directed support and delayed transfers of care were working well which was a testament to colleagues working together.  Specific improvement issues for healthchecks and smoking at the time of delivery were being looked into. An area that still was cause for concern was regarding the alcohol and drug data.  There was an expectation of the current provider and the figures continued to be disappointing.


The Chairman commented that as we all get older and with the primary care strategies in place the cost to the County Council would rise.  With regards to Lifeline he suggested that the service was called to answer to the problems faced.  Councillor Armstrong indicated that the Safer and Stronger Communities OSC, chaired by Councillor Boyes was leading on the monitoring of the Lifeline Service and that members of the AWH OSC and CYP OSC had been invited to attend a monitoring meeting on 29 June 2016.


The Head of Planning and Service Strategy referred to the performance in respect of the number of people aged 65 and over admitted to residential or nursing care on a permanent basis. He said that as people get older and lifestyles change the demands on the system would increase.  When people were admitted to residential or nursing care they were now staying for shorter periods of time and staying in their own homes.  The figures have started to plateau out and would have an impact on the entire system.



That the report be received.

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