Agenda item

Proposed Review of Suicide Rates and Mental Health and Wellbeing in County Durham Scoping Report


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Transformation and Partnerships that provided Members with a scoping report in advance of a scrutiny review looking at suicide rates and Mental Health and Wellbeing in County Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer advised that discussions had taken place with the committee and concerns had been raised about the high levels of suicide rates. 


The objectives were highlighted and Members were informed that the sessions would include representations from a number of services and outside organisations as appropriate. 


The Committee were advised that the membership would include the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee together with Councillors J Armstrong, P Stradling, J Chaplow, H Liddle and O Temple. 


Councillor Brookes said that this was a relevant piece of work and asked if pockets of suicide in parts of the County could be looked into.


Councillor Blakey asked that all information was as up-to-date as possible as it was recognised that there was a data lag.


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer agreed that concerns had been expressed about the time and data lag and advised that a lot of information would come from Public Health.  A detailed analysis including gender, age and geography had been requested with the first session delving into statistical analysis.



(i)            That the draft terms of reference for the review be agreed.

(ii)          That requests to be included in the membership of the group be sent to the Overview and Scrutiny Officer.

(iii)         That the project plan be agreed.

(iv)         That the Committee receive periodic verbal updates as the review progresses, be agreed.


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