Agenda item

Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence - Crook Town Cricket Club, Dawson Street, Crook


Consideration was given to the report of the Senior Licensing Officer regarding an application for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of Crook Town Cricket Club, Dawson Street, Crook (for copy see file of Minutes).


A copy of the application and supporting documents had been circulated to Members.


In presenting the report the Senior Licensing Officer explained that ‘other person’ Mr Craggs who had made representation in relation to the application was not in attendance, and no other representations had been received from any other parties.


Mrs G Holmes, the Treasurer of the Cricket Club addressed the Sub-Committee. She explained that the Club already had a Club Premises Certificate and was now applying for a Premises Licence to extend the sale of alcohol to non-members. The Cricket Club was a community organisation and wanted the opportunity to hold more functions to ensure its survival. The Club had used TENs in the past but these were no longer enough to cover the number of events the Club wished to hold. All the profit from events was used to develop the Cricket Club. The Club was managed by volunteers who did not want to run the premises as a public house.


Mrs Holmes responded to a number of questions. She explained that drinking up time was not included in the application but confirmed that she would be happy for 20 minutes to be added to the Premises Licence. With regard to New Year, Members were informed that the premises did not open on New Year’s Day and the times requested mirrored the Club Premises Certificate.


With regard to live music Mrs Holmes advised that live bands usually finished by no later than 11pm, and sometimes by the earlier time of 10.30pm. The premises opened at 9am on match days.


Following a request for clarification about access Mrs Holmes explained that vehicles used an access between 31 and 32 Dawson Street and there was a car park at the front of the pavilion for around 10 cars. Members noted that a public house was located at the corner of Emerson Street nearby and asked about its opening hours. Following enquiry by the Senior Licensing Officer, Members were informed that the public house was licensed to sell alcohol until midnight Monday to Thursday, until 1.00am Friday, and until 1.30am Saturday.


The Senior Licensing Officer was asked by the Chairman to make enquiry about the DPS and whether he was fully qualified to be able to train staff. Members were informed of the name of the DPS and that he held a Personal Licence.


The Chairman emphasised to Mrs Holmes the importance of maintaining an incident/refusal register, the use of plastic glasses and the responsible disposal of glass bottles to protect local residents from noise late at night. Mrs Holmes confirmed that plastic glasses were already used and that glass bottles were disposed of the morning after an event.


Councillor May wished to establish if there would be any disturbance to residents when alcohol was consumed outside the premises on match days, particularly during the evening, and asked how close residential properties were located to the areas of the ground from which spectators would view the cricket. Mrs Holmes explained that properties in Dawson Street overlooked the cricket field. There was no seating outside and spectators tended to watch the matches from inside the clubhouse. Most cricket matches ended between 7pm and 8pm, and there had been no other functions to date where people had consumed alcohol outside. She would be happy for a condition to be placed on the Premises Licence to address this.


Councillor Gunn acknowledged that the Club wanted to be sustainable. The Member referred to the limited car parking available and asked if this was made clear when an event was advertised to prevent parking in the streets that were used by residents. Mrs Holmes confirmed that when a match or event was advertised parking in the market place was encouraged.


In response to questions from Councillor Graham, Mrs Holmes explained that according to Fire Regulations the premises could hold a maximum of 120 but the Club allowed a maximum of 80 people seated. Signs were erected asking people to leave the premises quietly. There were no windows in the function hall and live music was played at the rear of the room which was the furthest point from residential properties. Bands brought their own speakers which were positioned at the rear of the hall. The hall was separated from the outside of the premises by double fire doors, a vestibule and the entrance door. Bands were asked to turn the music down if they were playing too loud.


Councillor Graham asked if the CCTV system and cameras were checked on a regular basis. Mrs Holmes confirmed that she carried out regular checks, and that cameras covered the entrances, areas of the field, the car park and the access past the Church.  


In summing up Mrs Holmes advised that the Club wanted to work with the community and residents were always welcome to speak to staff if there were any concerns. The Police had not objected to the application and the Club had been granted a number of TENs without problem.


At 10.45am the Sub-Committee retired to deliberate the application in private. After re-convening at 11.05am the Chairman delivered the Sub-Committee’s decision. In reaching their decision, the Sub-Committee had considered the report of the Senior Licensing Officer, the written representations of ‘other person’ Mr Craggs, and the verbal representations of Mrs Holmes, the Club’s Treasurer. Members had also taken into account the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and Section 182 Guidance issued by the Secretary of State.




(i)            That the Premises Licence be granted as follows:-






Days and Hours



Sale of Alcohol (on sales only)








Live Music, Recorded Music, Performances of Dance, Entertainment of a Similar Description (indoors only)


Plays, Films, Indoor Sporting Events (indoors only


Opening Hours


11.00-23.00 Monday to Sunday

With twenty minutes added drinking up time

11.00-00.30 New Years Eve with twenty minutes drinking up time.

New Years Day 11.00-23.00-with twenty minutes drinking up time


09.00-22.45-Sunday to Friday

09.00-23.30 Saturday




09.00-22.45 Sunday to Friday



09.00-23.20hrs Sunday to Friday 09.00-00.05 Saturday

New Years Eve 11.00-00.50

New Years Day 11.00-23.20


(ii)          A further condition be imposed of a maximum of 90 persons in the cricket club with a ten vehicle capacity in the car park.  There are to be no patrons of the premises congregated in the outside terraces after 9.00pm in the evening Monday to Sunday.


(iii)         The following conditions to be added to the licence:-


-        No serving of alcohol to any person who appears drunk.


-       Full initial staff training to be carried out by DPS to ensure no alcohol is sold to anyone underage and refresher training to be carried out every six months.


-       Training records to be kept/endorsed and made available to officers and responsible authorities when requested to do so.


-       CCTV will be provided in the form of a recordable system capable of providing pictures/camera shall record all entrances and exits where the sale of alcohol occurs, staff will be trained in the use of CCTV including viewing and downloading of system and refresher training given, records will be kept all footage will be kept for at least 28 days.


-       Fire Exits and Equipment will be clearly marked and there will be an awareness of health and safety requirements.  First aid facilities will be available and an incident log will be kept at all times.  Drinks to be taken outside will be in plastic glasses.  Groups of people will be prevented from congregating outside the premises after 9.00pm Monday to Sunday.  Signage will be displayed to encourage people to leave quietly.  A rubbish bin will be placed outside of the front of the premises for use and will be emptied at the end of each shift.


-       A Challenge 25 policy will operate in the premises.  A refusal register will be kept and endorsed after every sale is refused.  It should be produced to a relevant officer of the policy or other responsible authority upon request.  This is also to include over 18’s purchasing alcohol and passing it on to under 18’s (proxy sale).  There will be no 18-20 year old parties held on the premises whilst alcohol is available.


-       Glass bottles will not be emptied into outside container until following morning.








Supporting documents: