Agenda item


(i)          Joint Report of the Director, Transformation and Partnerships and the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services – Spatial Policy Team Leader.

(ii)         Presentation by the Regeneration Projects Manager and the Community Economic Development Manager, Regeneration and Local Services.



The Chairman introduced the Regeneration Projects Manager, Chris Myers, the Community Economic Development Manager, Wendy Benson and the Community Economic Development Team Leader (South and West), Jackie Donnelly and the Spatial Policy Team Leader, Graeme Smith who were in attendance to give an update presentation as regards Masterplans (for copy see file of minutes).


The Regeneration Projects Manager explained to Members that all County Towns have an approved document, prospectus updates were taking place and the documents were being used to bid for monies through the Capital Programme.  The Spatial Policy Team Leader noted that the ongoing programme of Masterplans ran through until 2020 and there was consultation with Members, Area Action Partnerships (AAPs) and residents as part of the development process.  It was added that Masterplans helped to focus on priorities for an area and direct resources accordingly.  Members noted Masterplan updates would go to Cabinet in 2 tranches with:


14 December 2016 –         Consett, Crook, Newton Aycliffe, Durham, Chester-le-Street and                                   Stanley

18 January 2017 –            Peterlee, Seaham, Spennymoor, Shildon, Barnard Castle and                                       Bishop Auckland


The Regeneration Projects Manager explained that recent examples of delivery included the Heart of Teesdale Landscape Partnership, a £2.7 million programme that completed in October 2016.  Members noted many achievements from the programme, including: 17 hectares of invasive species cleared; 35 hectares improved through environmental volunteering and 16 structures having been restored, including bridges, lime kilns and ancient wells.  It was added that the programme was such a success, the local MP had raised the matter with the Department for the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). 


The Committee noted that in terms of progress at Bishop Auckland, a bid for public realm works had been successful at the NECA, a grant of £2.1 million, and work was ongoing with the Auckland Castle and Eleven Arches Trusts.  Members learned that funding bids were being submitted to both the ERDF and the HLF in terms of restoration of the King James building, approximately a £6.8 million project.


The Community Economic Development Team Leader (South and West) explained that for Chester-le-Street a Prospectus was being developed, an update to the 2012 Masterplan.  It was noted that a scoping report would look to identify potential opportunities for further development works, for example working with LTP colleagues if an issue is identified in terms of transport. 


The Community Economic Development Manager explained that public realm works had been completed at Front Street at Consett with Fairhursts having been commissioned produce a design concept and delivery framework for Middle Street in the town.


The Regeneration Projects Manager explained that a lot of work was ongoing within Durham City, including works to refurbish the public toilets at Palace Green, scheduled to be completed November 2016. 

It was added that lighting along the vennel alongside St. Nicholas’ Church had been replaced and there would be continuing work in terms of accessibility and safety along the riverbanks.  Members were reminded of the works beginning in respect of The Gates, with expected completion being in 2018.  It was added that a number of public realm works were being undertaken and consultation as regards regeneration proposals and the new bus station had started, with a planning application to be submitted early 2017.  Members noted a North Road Target Business Improvement scheme had been launched, with 4 expressions of interest so far.


Councillors noted the work ongoing at Eden Field, Newton Aycliffe with the Council’s Chapter Homes looking to construct 125 houses on the site, with as at the end of October there were 3 full reservations, 37 initial deposits and 5 properties had been rented.  Members noted the various options and scheme to help buyers, with a 10% affordable homes provision.  The Community Economic Development Manager added that other projects in the town included a new Customer Access Point and works to the Library, all of which were nearing completion.  Members were shown a brief promotional video for Chapter Homes, to demonstrate the high specification to which the new properties were being built.


The Community Economic Development Manager noted that Peterlee public realm works had begun, with the Bus Station having been taken into the Council’s ownership and work was ongoing in terms of access points to the bus station.  The Regeneration Projects Manager added that for Seaham, the construction of the watersports centre were ongoing and on schedule, with funding having come from DCC and the Coastal Communities Fund.  It was added that it was a £832,000 project and was due for completion Winter 2016/17.  It was added that improvements at the rail station should also help people to navigate to the shops and the Church green easier. 


The Community Economic Development Team Leader (South and West) noted that Shildon had a series of public realm works completed, in time for the arrival of the Flying Scotsman train, and public consultation was underway as regards the Arches.  Members were reminded of the ongoing support for development at Festival Walk, Spennymoor and the public realm works to the south of Front Street, Stanley.  Members learned of “Smart Stanley” a project aiming to increase digital activity across Stanley, with a new Town Centre website launched on 12 September and noted links with LTP3 in terms of new car parking and technology.


The Committee noted the support for the retail sector in general, with enquires having been received from 106 businesses, with Economic Development dealing with 44 businesses, delivering 35 projects.  The Community Economic Development Team Leader (South and West) noted support for street market trading, new stalls, home businesses, providing a relatively low-cost, low-risk opportunity for people to start their own business. 

It was added that this was a 2 year pilot, currently 6 months in and if evaluation is positive then the programme would be rolled out further.


The Chairman thanked the Officers for their presentation and asked Members for their questions.



Councillor J Armstrong asked when the consultation on the new bus station for Durham City finished.  The Regeneration Projects Manager noted it was tomorrow, 4 November.  Councillor J Armstrong asked if there had been any positive comments from the MP for Durham City, the Regeneration Projects Manager noted a meeting with the MP was scheduled for later in the week.  Councillor J Armstrong noted there was some frustration in terms of the positive work carried out by the Council in the City.  The Regeneration Projects Manager noted that feedback had been received, with the Methodist Church being used as a point of contact, and in general people had been very supportive of the new scheme. 


Mr T Batson agreed with Councillor J Armstrong in terms of the positive approach being taken in Durham City, however, he asked where were the rural areas, the smaller towns and the larger villages.  The Community Economic Development Manager noted that the Masterplans focused on the 12 main settlements, however regeneration covered the entire County, and if people were to approach the Council with any specific ideas for an area then it would be looked at.  The Chairman noted it was a case of understanding how the gaps were filled, with some areas feeling left behind while understanding the economic reasons why the focus was on the 12 main settlements.  The Regeneration Projects Manager noted that while Barnard Castle was highlighted, the regeneration projects covered a larger area than just the town.


Councillor J Maitland noted that the regeneration work carried out at Seaham was excellent, however, she had a concern as regards the level of parking provision to enable the numbers of people required to make the facilities sustainable, for example the watersports centre.  The Regeneration Projects Manager noted that parking during construction was limited, however once building materials and site cabins were removed an appropriate parking provision would be in place.


Councillor H Nicholson noted the 12 main settlements and noted that in Shildon since 2013 a lot of improvements have been delivered via the Masterplan and now there were opportunities for people, lots of high quality work and he thanked all those involved with the projects.  Councillor H Nicholson added that the next step was business development and convincing people to come to the town.


Mr I McLaren noted he had three concerns as regards Spennymoor: the roundabout at Thinford, which he felt did not work; the ongoing issues as regards Festival Walk; and “The North Eastern” which had been derelict for a number of years.  The Community Economic Development Team Leader (South and West) noted that there was a meeting with developers in terms of moving The North Eastern site along with a quality development, and issues as regards Thinford and Festival Walk were noted.  It was agreed that an update on the areas identified would be provided by the officer following the meeting.


Councillor M Davinson commented that he represented South Moor and suggested that the Committee need to continue to receive updates on the RS, Housing Strategy to ensure that our smaller settlements are represented and supported.


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that it was important that the Committee inputted into such strategies and Members were reminded of the input Members had into the previous version of the CDP and when the new developing CDP comes back to Committee Members will once again have the opportunity to input.

Councillor D Hall noted he would welcome an update on the situation with the old Durham Baths site, which had remained derelict, especially as it occupies a prominent site along the river.  The Regeneration Projects Manager noted he would speak to colleagues and report back.


Councillor J Clare thanked the Community Economic Development Manager as regards explaining the support being offered to retail as a previous update to Committee on SMEs had been all sectors except retail.  Councillor J Clare added he felt the help DCC provided to SMEs in the retail sector could be a topic for the work programme of the Committee.  The Community Economic Development Manager added that there were activities such as “Small Business Saturday” and “Do it Digital” where DCC was supporting SMEs in retail with promotion via the Council’s social media channels.  It was added there were case studies as regards what DCC offers and added there were national campaigns that DCC tapped into.  Member agreed it was an area of interest and noted that the number of people employed in the retail sector was significant.  The Chairman added that 80% of jobs were within the service sector nationally. 


The Chairman noted good broadband provision was essential for rural communities, and the Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that there would be an update on the Digital Durham Programme at the February 2017 meeting which would identify the type of support provided to the business sector in the county.




(i)              That the report be noted.

(ii)             That the Committee is kept updated on an annual basis on the development of the

          various Masterplans and Masterplan updates within County Durham.

(iii)      That included in the Work Programme of the Committee for 2017/18 is an overview       of the support provided to the retail sector in County Durham by Durham County           Council.

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