Agenda item

DM/16/02703/FPA - Land at Anthony Street, Stanley

Erection of two-storey residential building containing 16 self-contained one-bedroom supported living apartments, and two additional single-storey buildings containing five one-bedroom supported living dwellings, with ancillary staff area and associated open space and car parking (Use Class C3).


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the erection of a two-storey residential building containing 16 self-contained one-bedroom supported living apartments and two additional single-storey buildings containing five one-bedroom supported living dwellings, with ancillary staff area and associated open space and car parking (Use Class C3) at Land at Anthony Street, Stanley (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer provided a detailed presentation of the application which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout. He further advised that recommended condition 6 regarding contaminated land was subject to further discussion and he therefore further sought delegated authority for planners to determine the wording of this condition should they be minded to approve the application.


The Chairman added his thanks to the applicant who had undertaken extensive consultation with residents in the Stanley area prior to the submission of the application.


Councillor Cordon added that he considered the application to be a good scheme and one which would benefit the area. He further asked who the landlord of the properties would be. In response the Applicant advised that Inclusion Housing would be the company who would manage the site day to day. Councillor Cordon subsequently MOVED that the application be approved subject to the conditions as listed within the report.


Councillor Jewell added that he considered the development to be appropriate for the area. The applicant had given careful consideration to all concerns and would inevitably benefit the area of Stanley and with that SECONDED that the proposal.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions as listed within the report and that officers be given delegated authority to re-word the condition relating to contamination.

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