Agenda item

Draft Police, Crime and Victims' Plan - Report of Police, Crime and Victims' Commissioner


The Panel considered a report of the Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner which provided the Panel with the Police, Crime and Victims’ Plan 2016-21 which included amendments which had been made after the conclusion of the public consultation period (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillor Allen thanked the PCVC for his comprehensive report and also to the office of the PCVC for their work during the consultation period.  She informed the Panel that the online consultation was very easy to complete and suggested that Panel Members provide feedback into their communities to encourage future participation in consultation.


Councillor Jones referred to the level of consultation feedback received from Darlington which was a disappointing 12% and asked whether the PCVC would be willing to attend a meeting of the Darlington Association of Parish Councils to promote the consultation process.  The PCVC replied that he would be happy to do this if details could be sent to him.


Councillor Dixon referred to police visibility and suggested that when police were in an area they should knock on doors to let people know they were there.  He also referred to an app which PCSOs had which showed where they had been patrolling and suggested that this could be produced to show where they had been.


The PCVC replied that knocking on doors had been tried but had been discontinued because it was unsuccessful.  However, park and walks now took place which made Neighbourhood Officers more visible to communities.


Councillor Boyes, while agreeing it was good to have objectives, asked what the impact was from receiving the feedback from the consultation.  The PCVC replied that as a result of the consultation, some elements of the Plan had been changed.  The benefit of the feedback was that the PCVC knew that resources were being put into the right areas when setting objectives.  Each objective had three key measures against which the force would be held to account.


Councillor Armstrong informed the Panel that while he supported the problem solving approach outlined in the Plan, he considered this may be jargon for the general public.  He suggested that it would be for another forum to focus on poor return rates on the consultation from some areas and to learn from good response rates from other areas.


Councillor May informed the Panel that 60% agreed with safeguarding the vulnerable, including the elderly, and asked whether other agencies, for example social services and meals on wheels could be involved to make this group feel more included.  Councillor Armstrong responded that this already took place within both the Fire and Rescue Service and the Commissioner’s Office.  The PCVC added that his office also worked closely with Age UK.


Mr Dodwell complimented the PCVC on the draft Plan and was pleased that priorities had been identified following consultation from a wide source.


Councillor Armstrong informed the Panel that he considered the re-drafted Plan to be well compiled and easy to read.


The PCVC informed the Panel that, due to elections, the Plan had been produced later than in previous years, and asked whether feedback could be provided in time for the Plan to be launched on 7 November 2016.



That the report be noted and feedback be provided in time for the Plan to be launched on 7 November 2016.

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