Agenda item

Quarter 1 Performance Report - Report of Police, Crime and Victims' Commissioner


The Panel considered a report of the Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner which provided details of the Quarter 1 2016-17 Performance Report (for copy see file of minutes).


The PCVC outlined key performance data for the headline measures of Victim Based Crime, Public Confidence, and Victim Satisfaction and performance information on each of the key areas of focus as set out in the refreshed Police and Crime Plan 2015-17.


Mr Dodwell referred to anti-social behaviour figures and asked whether if reports of such behaviour were from the same address whether these were removed from the figures.  The PCVC replied that this could not be done because of the need for transparency in the figures and also the figures would more accurately reflect to the activity of police officers and PCSOs


Councillor Dixon asked whether there was an objective criteria of what anti-social behaviour was or whether tolerance levels of the population towards certain behaviours were falling.  The PCVC replied that there was a description for anti-social behaviour but added there had been a general reduction in tolerance levels of the population together with a change in demographics.


Councillor Armstrong informed the Panel that he found the performance report to be very helpful.


Councillor May informed the Panel that increases in levels of crime were often as a result of fewer police officers on the street, and asked how many officers the force was recruiting.


The PCVC replied that the force could only operate within what its budget allowed and that a reduction in police officer numbers would contribute to an increase in levels of crime.  Cuts to government funding and unavoidable budget pressures had resulted in the force having to cut hard and officer numbers had reduced to 950.  The force was aiming to build up to 1150 officers in the short term and up to 1215 by 2018, but these figures were based on key assumptions made in the MTFP.  The Finance Officer informed the Panel that the force was aiming to recruit 80 officers each year with an extra 20 to be recruited next month.  Ten candidates had been interviewed as PCSO’s but it was becoming increasingly difficult to recruit PCSOs because of the level of salary.


Councillor Boyes welcomed the format of the report and asked whether comparator figures were available for Durham’s performance against other forces.  The PCVC referred to page 120 in the agenda pack which provided comparison details to other forces for the confidence in the police, victim satisfaction and crimes per 1000 population.


Councillor Jones asked whether the force had received any funding as reimbursement for the costs of the Medomsley investigation.  The Finance Officer confirmed that the force had received a Home Office grant for this.



That the performance report be noted.

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