Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Review Updates

Verbal Update by the Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Transformation and Partnerships.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted the two reviews had been undertaken by the Committee, one looking at Improved Safety in the Home, namely the Safe and Wellbeing Visits (SWVs) carried out by the CDDFRS.  Members were reminded evidence gathering had been completed and a draft report would be presented to the Working Group for comments next Tuesday, with Members having the opportunity to discuss and shape recommendations.  The Chairman thanked Members and officers from the CDDFRS for their involvement and work on this topic, especially Councillor T Nearney who had chaired the Working Group.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer explained that in terms of the Alcohol and Demand on the Emergency Services Working Group, the report was currently in draft format and sought agreement from the Committee for the report to be circulated to Members for comments, and once received and collated the Chairman agree the draft report, to then be submitted to the December meeting of Cabinet.




That the verbal update be noted.