Agenda item

Durham Local Safeguarding Annual Report


The Committee considered the report of the Independent Chair of Local Safeguarding Children’s Board that presented to Members the Durham Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report for 2015-16 (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The Independent Chair of Local Safeguarding Children’s Board presented the Annual Report set out the priorities of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board for 2016-2019; achievements and progress made in the past year and areas for development. The Local Safeguarding Children’s Board had delivered taxi driver awareness training of Child Sexual Exploitation to over 1000 taxi drivers and had delivered a comprehensive training plan to frontline staff and managers.  They had increased visibility and partnership working through the implementation of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Marketing and Communications Strategy.


In relation to further development the Independent Chair advised that quality assurance and performance management processes were further developed to provide a detailed and comprehensive picture of the quality and impact of frontline practice; that quality assurance and audit work contribute to understanding the impact of training and embedding lessons learned from serious case reviews and developing more effective feedback processes from children, young people and families who have received child protection services to support ongoing service improvement.


The Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Business Unit Manager advised Members that the Annual Report for Young People 2015/16 would be officially launched on the 15 November 2016 with the County Durham Young Persons’ Police, Crime and Victims Commissioner.


The Chair asked if members of the committee could receive a copy of the Annual Report for Young People 2015/2016 following its launch.  The Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Business Unit Manager agreed that she would send it to the Scrutiny Officer for distribution.

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