Agenda item

Preventative Mental Health Review and Recommissioning


The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Commissioning Manager, Adults and Health Services that provided an overview of work ongoing and proposed recommendations on the future of community preventative mental health services, following a strategic review undertaken by Durham County Council (DCC) Children and Adult Services Commissioning and Public Health (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Commissioning Manager and Commissioning, Policy and Planning Officer gave a report that highlighted:-


·         Background to the review

·         Proposed future model – key elements

·         Core aspects of what services were trying to do

·         5 key themes – need to be measurable

·         Key outcomes – short & medium term

·         Pathways – by range of providers & clear about where they join up

·         Network – all services being asked to sign up to become part of the network


The Strategic Commissioning Manager highlighted the next steps of the review:-


·         Engagement with key stakeholders (August–October 2016)

·         Mapping current service provision and identifying areas for development (October- November 2016)

·         Further work on outcomes and pathways required from the new service model  including those identified in the Crisis Care Concordat work (November 2016)

·         Commissioning decisions and service specification development (December 2016)

·         Redesign and re-procurement (December 2016 onwards)

·         New model to commence from April 2017(phased approach) 


Councillor Forster referred to the length of time it takes to get appointments with therapists and counsellors and was advised that work was ongoing with the CCG as they commission this service.  The Mental Health Partnership Board were aware of the time taken to receive therapy and had fed back to the CCGs that the response time and delays were significant and that people were left feeling more anxious and disappointed.  The Strategic Commissioning Manager responded to Councillor Forster’s comment that the system was not fair as he agreed that in some areas people had choice and in some areas people had none.  With this new model people should be able to access the right help at the right time.


Councillor Brookes asked if this review was linked to the County Council’s Transformational programme.  The Strategic Commissioning Manager explained that it was as mental health was everybody’s business and it was a collective responsibility.  It was also linked to the transformation of the STP and close discussions with the CCG about where mental health sits were part of the development process.


The Director of Primary Care, Partnerships and Engagement, DDES CCG referred to counselling and agreed that there were improvements to be made.  However, he stated that the counselling service in the Easington area was good as GP practices worked with TEWV.


The Strategic Commissioning Manager further explained that the TEWV arrangements were not in place for North Durham and a lot of feedback from GPs said that they needed access to be able to refer patients for help and support with mental health needs.  He informed the Committee that the One Point Service offered support to children and families but not all schools had bought into the service.


Councillor Huntington referred to the counselling service and pointed out that in order to become qualified hours of voluntary work were required.  This was a problem as people could not access the hours required and the service were losing potential employees.  The Strategic Commissioning Manager said that there would be opportunities to discuss this moving forward.  The Commissioning, Policy and Planning Officer further advised that this was linked to other health programmes ongoing.  Community Parenting had commissioned a bereavement service for children and young people from funding from CAMHS and Parenting Support.  This service would be available for a year with the option to extend.


The Chairman thanked the officers for their presentation.



(i)            That the contents of the report and the proposed service model be noted.

(ii)          That the further work required to inform future commissioning decisions and develop the model into detailed specifications for service redesign and/or reprocurement from December 2016 be noted.

(iii)         That a further report during 2017 outlining progress and key implementation stages be received.


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