Agenda item

DM/16/03231/OUT - Garage site at Biscop Crescent, Newton Aycliffe

Erection of 1no. bungalow (Outline application - all matters reserved) including demolition of existing garages.


Consideration was given to the report of the Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of existing garages and erection of 1 no. bungalow at Biscop Crescent, Newton Aycliffe.


The Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included plans and photographs of the site.


Councillor J Hillary could not be in attendance and had therefore submitted a statement to be read out on his behalf, as local member.  He referred to a petition which was sent to the Council in February 2016 with regards to the provision of off-street parking in Biscop Crescent.  Should the garages be demolished, this would exacerbate the parking problems as tenants would have to find alternative parking and therefore although the housing may be of benefit to the applicant, it would be of detriment to the community.



In response to a query from Councillor Boyes, the Planning Officer confirmed that that the petition had not been submitted with regards to the planning process and was not in relation to the application.  Although three existing garages were being demolished, there had been no responses from neighbouring properties and  no issues with regards to parking had been raised.


Councillor Davidson confirmed that he could see no reason to refuse and therefore moved the recommendation as outlined in the report.


Councillor Clare confirmed that the proposal for bungalows was welcome as there was a shortage in the area, however he was disappointed that the application would not provide replacement parking and queried why this went against the company’s charitable objectives.  There was a shortage of parking in the area and local members received regular complaints from residents about this. Highways had no objections with regards to road safety however this did not take into consideration the residential amenity implications of living in the area due to the ongoing parking situation.  Councillor Clare queried whether consideration could be given to conditioning  the planning permission or providing  a Section 106 agreement to  provide for off-street parking on an alternative site near to the two application sites under consideration.  He added that there were many planning applications from the same applicant to remove existing garage sites and building properties, therefore the Committee should consider the impact of the additional cars being moved on to the street.


The Planning and Development Solicitor confirmed that imposing a condition or Section 106 agreement was an option, should Members feel that they would refuse the application in the absence of such, and the necessary test requirements were satisfied.


 The applicant was invited to speak and confirmed that there were currently 7 applications to redevelop garage sites.  Livin owned 2500 garages with a 60% occupancy and in low demand areas, or areas which required significant investment, the garages were unviable.  He confirmed that there was a £5m investment scheme for the refurbishment of existing garages that were in higher demand, so these could be let.  It was not clear how many garages were now used for vehicles as many were not big enough for modern cars and used for storage.  With regards to this application site, one of the garages was vacant.  Tenants were to be offered to the option of relocating to an alternative site where possible, should they require.


Councillor Boyes confirmed that there did not seem to be a demand for vehicle use of the garages and the Committee should not jeopardise an application which provided affordable housing.


Councillor Davidson queried whether the applicant could demolish the garages independently and the Planning Officer confirmed that if required, the applicant could serve notice to vacate the premises and demolish the garages.


Councillor Armstrong seconded the recommendation as outlined in the report.




That the application be approved as outlined in the report.

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