Agenda item

Any Other Business


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer reminded members that the next meeting of the Suicide Prevention Working Group would take place on Monday 21 November 2016 at 10 a.m.


Councillor Bell asked for information about the dentistry services at Richardson Hospital.  The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer said that he would circulate a briefing note that had been received from NHS England.  Councillor Armstrong reminded members that Sue Jacques had been asked to provide a report at a future meeting.


Councillor Temple raised concerns that TEWV were not fulfilling what they said they would in terms of transport arrangements for the reconfigure of Organic Inpatient (Dementia) wards serving County Durham and Darlington.  The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer reminded members that assurances had been given around the transport issues and had been advised that a mitigation plan would be in place to support patients and their families with transport needs.  A letter would be sent to TEWV on behalf of the Chairman seeking post implementation feedback including the number of people who had been approached in terms of mitigation travel and accessing services at Auckland Park.