Agenda item

Pre-Birth Intervention Update


The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s Services that provided Members with an update on the progress for the Pre-birth Intervention Service (PBIS) (for copy of report, see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Manager, Families First East and Pre-Birth Teams was in attendance to present the report and deliver a presentation that provided details of the pre-birth intervention service criteria; parents needs and children’s plans following care proceedings; details of a case study and what others think (for copy of presentation, see file of minutes).


Councillor Varty wished to commend everyone involved in the service.


Councillor Walton referred to the case study of Baby S and asked what involvement the school had in supporting the young mother.


The Strategic Manager responded that in this case the young mother’s attendance at school was really good but this was not always the case for young mums. She continued that in this case the school were supportive and accommodating of the young mother and her needs.


Councillor Townsend stated that it was important and refreshing to see the Council carrying out important crucial work that no one sees that keeps families together in difficult circumstances.


In response to a question from Councillor Oliver, the Strategic Manager indicated that the service did engage with Durham University and had worked with them on a project undertaken on safe sleeping. They looked at training events across the board at various levels such as police officers, health visitors and social workers. She continued that all staff in the service were trained on safe sleeping.


The Chair referred to the real care babies that were a vital tool and commented that the service only had three and asked if this was sufficient and asked the cost of the real care babies.


The Strategic Manager responded that the service had bought two real care babies recently that cost around £1,850 per doll. She would look to see if the service required more dolls and commented that they now had 15 families first teams and would have to consider if more dolls were required.


The Chair asked the Officer to come back to her on this as the dolls help families right from the beginning.


Councillor Hunt also asked if the service could ascertain if the resources were available would the dolls be used more.


Resolved: That the report and presentation be noted.

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