Agenda item

Tree Management Policy and Inspections Review - Report of Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change which informed Cabinet of the proposed revisions to the corporate Tree Management Policy and the tree inspection procedures and sought endorsement of the resulting revised policy and procedures (for copy of report see file of minutes).

Councillor M Wilkes, Cabinet Portfolio for Neighbourhoods and Climate Changes highlighted that the tree management policy had proven to be useful and valuable document which set out the approach to managing trees that were the Council’s responsibility, as well as dealing with trees in private ownership that posed a safety risk to the public.

The original policy was approved in 2014 following detailed public consultation and had been updated occasionally since. The current update was both timely and necessary. The issue of tree risk management had been brought into focus recently. The increasing number of storms and severe weather events posed a risk of trees being damaged or falling in strong winds and heavy rain.

Despite financial pressures faced, the Council had increased investment into staffing, increasing tree team capacity. The revised inspection regime set out in the report adopted an internationally recognised system for tree risk management. The proposed policy would help make statutory and other legal duties, manage the risks arising from trees in a proportionate way and deliver a high standard of tree care. It was a significant improvement on existing documents, learning from experience and customer feedback and bringing into consideration current tree health issues, whilst also giving members of the public more useful information on tree management issues in a clear and consistent way.

Councillor T Henderson, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services commented that all landowners had responsibilities to manage trees on their estate, and the Council was no exception. The revised policy was clear, concise and referenced new and emerging issues such as ash dieback. Councillor Henderson welcomed the new inspection regime and how the Council would assess the risks of its tree stock.



That the recommendations in the report be approved.


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