Agenda item

4/12/00324/VOC & 4/12/00325/VOC - Ramside Hall Hotel, Carville, Durham, DH1 1TD

Variation of condition no. 2 of listed building consent ref: 08/00197/LB and condition no. 7 of reserved matters approval ref 08/00196/RM, in order to amend the design, scale and layout of the approved bedroom and leisure extension.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding a variation of condition no. 2 of listed building consent ref: 08/00197/LB and condition no. 7 of reserved matters approval ref 08/00196/RM, in order to amend the design, scale and layout of the approved bedroom and leisure extension (for copy see file of Minutes).


Barry Gavillet, Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site.


J White, the applicant’s agent was in attendance and advised that he would respond to any questions.


In discussing the application, reference was made by a Member to the scale of the proposed ribbed zinc roof. The Senior Planning Officer responded that the footprint of the extension had not changed from the original planning permission and the ribbed zinc roof would sit over the internal swimming pool area. Although it would cover a large area it would not be visible from the rear of Pittington Lane or from other public views from outside the site.  


In response to a question, Members were advised that local people and apprentices were currently employed by the Hotel, and the applicant’s agent confirmed that the number of local jobs would increase significantly as a result of the proposals. N Carter, Legal Officer informed Members that a previous planning application had been granted subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement which made provision for the employment of local labour and apprentices.




That the variation of condition no. 2 of the listed building consent (ref: 08/00197/LB) be approved subject to the conditions/reasons outlined in the report.


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