Agenda item

Consideration of a Temporary Event Notice - Red Velvet, Front Street, Consett


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services which detailed an objection notice served by the Chief Inspector of Durham Constabulary in response to an application from Mr David Ian Bartley for a temporary event notice for Red Velvet, Consett (for copy see file of minutes).


A copy of the temporary event notice had been circulated to Members together with a copy of the objection received from Durham Constabulary.


A successful mediation had taken place between Durham Constabulary and the Applicant, details of which had been circulated.


Durham Constabulary and the Applicant had both given notice to the Authority that a hearing was unnecessary and requested that it be dispensed with provided that any licence granted included all the conditions that were present on the current premises licence.


In determining the application, the Sub-Committee had considered the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services and the Mediation Agreement. The Sub-Committee had also taken into account the relevant provisions of the Licensing Act 2003, Section 182 Guidance issued by the Secretary of State and the Council’s Licensing Policy.




That the application for a temporary event notice be granted subject to all the conditions that were present on the currently premises licence apply for the full duration of the temporary event notice.







Supporting documents: