Agenda item

Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence - The Jumping Bean, 5 Neville Street, Durham


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services which gave details of an application for a Premises Licence in respect of Jumping Bean, Neville Street, Durham (for copy see file of Minutes).


Members were advised that following lengthy negotiations successful mediation had taken place between Durham Constabulary, Crossgate Partnership and the applicant, with the result that the hours applied for had been amended and additional conditions imposed.


The signed Mediation Agreement had been circulated to Members.


In determining the application Members considered the report of the Licensing Officer and the Mediation Agreement. The Sub-Committee also took into account the relevant provisions of the Licensing Act 2003, Section 182 Guidance issued by the Secretary of State and the Council’s Licensing Policy.




That in view of the mediation agreement between all parties the Premises Licence be granted as follows:-


Opening hours of the premises

Monday – Sunday 08.00 – 23.30


New Years Eve     08.00 – 00.30


Sale of Alcohol (on the premises)

Monday – Sunday  17.00 – 23.00

(no alcohol to be consumed on the premises after 23.15)


New Years Eve until 00.00

(no alcohol to be consumed on the premises after 00.15)





The prevention of Crime and Disorder


  • Challenge 25 will ensure only persons of lawful age will be able to purchase alcohol from our store, and on deliveries. Photo ID only (PASS logo card/photo driving licence/passport).


  • Visual inspection, and personal interaction with customer, will enable staff to determine if the customer is fit to be sold alcohol. If staff believe person to be intoxicated with drink or drugs they will be refused.


  • CCTV will be installed and fitted to Home Office standards. Recordings will be stored for a minimum of one month. A minimum of three digital colour cameras will be fitted externally. These cameras will be infra-red and one will cover the entrance/exit and one will record images of a panoramic view of the street outside. Recordings will be stored a minimum of 28 days.


  • A member of staff will be available at all times the premises are open to download CCTV footage when requested by an authorised officer.


  • Notices will be clearly displayed at the entrance and around the premises stating CCTV is in operation


  • Persons known to be, or suspected of buying on behalf of children will be refused and reported to the Police


  • External lighting will be installed and will be in full working order.



Public Safety


·        Designated smoking areas with notices in place reminding customers to keep noise levels to a minimum


·        Good housekeeping procedures in place


·        Where a Pubwatch exists, the premises will be an active member of Pubwatch, they will attend meetings and join activities


·        Maintain an incident book, and record and report all instances of disorder


·        The Premises Licence Holder/Designated Premsies Supervisor will undertake to ensure that a maximum capacity of 60 persons will be enforced within the premises


·        The toilet will be modified so that it can be used by a disabled person and a portable ramp will be available so that disabled people may enter the premises before the premises operates under a premises licence.


The Prevention of Public Nuisance


·        Customers will not be permitted to take their drinks outside


·        Signs displayed at entrance/exit encouraging customers to leave the premises quietly


·        Designated smoking areas with notices in place reminding customers to keep noise levels to a minimum


·        The Premises Licence Holder/Designated Premises Supervisor will ensure that any entertainment, except that intended for young people, will not start until 8.00pm on any day of the week (which is when the lower age limit if 18 comes into force)


The Protection of Children from Harm


·        Challenge 25 shall be enforced. Refusals will be logged, along with any behaviour associated with the refusal


·        Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult at all times


·        Persons under the age of 18 must be off the premises after 20.00 hours


·        Persons known to be, or suspected of buying on behalf children will be refused and reported to the Police


·        We will display signs and adhere to the law regarding alcohol and children


·        If concerns arise about a child we will contact the Police for advice/assistance and not make our own investigations or conclusions






Supporting documents: