Agenda item

Application for the Review of a Premises Licence - La Spaghettata, 66 Saddler Street, Durham


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services which gave details of an application for the review of a Premises Licence in respect of La Spaghettata, 66 Saddler Street, Durham (for copy see file of Minutes).


Members had been provided with a copy of the Premises Licence, location plan and the review application, together with a letter from Durham Local Safeguarding Children Board.


The Sub-Committee were advised that successful mediation had taken place between all parties with the result that the hours applied for had been amended and additional conditions imposed on the existing Premises Licence. A copy of the signed Mediation Agreement had been circulated to Members.


Members accepted the mediation subject to clarification that a door supervisor would be placed on the entrance to Fabio’s Bar from 21:00 hours until close on a daily basis.




That in view of the successful mediation between all parties the review application be disposed of by varying the existing premises licence and conditions as follows:-


Opening hours of the premises:

Monday through to and including Sunday 10.30 to 02.30


Performance of Live Music (indoors)

Monday through to and including Sunday 10.30 to 02.00


Playing of Recorded Music (indoors)

Monday through to and including Sunday 10.30 to 02.00           


Performance of Dance

Monday through to and including Sunday 10.30 to 02.00


Anything of a Similar Description

Monday through to and including Sunday 10.30 to 02.00


Provision of facilities for Dancing (indoors)

Monday through to and including Sunday 10.30 to 02.00


Anything of a similar description

Monday through to and including Sunday 10.30 to 02.00


Late Night Refreshment (indoors)

Monday through to and including Sunday 23.00 to 02.00



Sale of Alcohol (on the premises)

Monday through to and including Sunday 10.30 to 02.00



The following conditions be attached to the Premises Licence:-


(i)                 A Personal Licence Holder will be present at the premises at all times that the premises are open for the sale of alcohol

(ii)               All incidents occurring at the premises will be recorded in an Incident Book which will be maintained by the Premises Licence Holder (or his nominee) to record details of any incidents including any refusals. This will include the time, date and signature of the person recording any action including staff details and witnesses

(iii)             A documented Monthly Training Schedule will record training, recipient, date and aspect of training (training to include an understanding of the Licensing Act 2003 and what the Premises Licence permits)

(iv)              Notices to be prominently displayed at all exits requesting patrons to leave quietly

(v)                A door supervisor will be placed at the entrance to the premises on Saddler Street from 20.00 hours on Friday and Saturday evenings until close

(vi)              A further door supervisor will be placed on the entrance to Fabio’s Bar from 21.00 hours until close on a daily basis

(vii)            Door supervisors will assist in the implementation of the Premises Age Verification Policy which is to request all patrons to provide proof of age prior to entering the premises

(viii)          The door supervisors will also assist in ensuring that customers depart from the premises and do not undermine the Licensing Objectives

(ix)              At least 3 members of the bar staff will undergo a National Licensing Qualification and obtain Personal Licences

(x)                A documented Age Certification Policy will be implemented where all patrons believed to be under the age of 25 will be asked to provide proof of age in the form of a Driving Licence, Passport, Military ID Card or form of identification endorsed with the Government PASS Holographic Logo.  





Supporting documents: