Committee details

Overview and Scrutiny Management Board

Purpose of committee

The Overview and Scrutiny Management Board provides a strategic steer for the work of the six Overview and Scrutiny Committees which reflect the Council’s priorities.  The Board is made up of:


  • 26 non-executive Council Councillors (including Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees)
  • 2 voting faith representatives
  • 3 voting parent governor representatives.  The role of a parent governor representative is to represent the views not just of parent governors, but of all parents in County Durham.  They act on behalf of parents and put forward their point of view on issues which arise at the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board and the Children and Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Find out more information about Overview and Scrutiny Management Board



Contact information

Support officer: Jackie Graham. 03000 269704