Meeting documents

Human Resources Committee (DCC)
Monday 20 January 2003

            Meeting: Human Resources Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1b - 20/01/2003 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A3 Members of the Volunteer Reserve Forces


Human Resources Committee

20 January 2003

Members of the Volunteer Reserve Forces

Report of John Hodgson, Head of Personnel Services

Purpose of the Report

1 To consider the policy regarding the granting of leave and payment for members of the Reserve Forces who are called up for duty in connection with any military conflict in Iraq.

County Council’s Position

2 The County Council has always adopted a supportive approach to employees who are volunteer members of the non-regular forces and has exercised discretion to grant the maximum amount of paid leave as provided in the various national agreements in order that volunteers can attend the annual summer training camp and any additional special training.

3 Whilst it is to be hoped that a war with Iraq can be avoided, nevertheless it would be appropriate to consider our position now so that we are prepared in the event that requests for leave are received. This issue was last considered in 1991 relative to the Gulf crisis when the County Council decided that they would grant leave on the basis that it would make up any difference between the forces’ pay and the pay which would have been receivable from the County Council where that was greater. Provision was also agreed to deduct employees’ pension contributions so that their rights were protected.

4 Since that time it appears that provisions have been introduced to provide for financial compensation to employers where their employees are mobilised and to deal with protection of pensions and situations where a Reservist’s military salary is less than their earnings from their regular employment. I will report in more detail on these provisions at the meeting.


5 It is recommended that the Authority should continue to adopt a supportive approach to any employees who may be called up, whether on a volunteer basis or by means of compulsory mobilisation.

John Hodgson
Head of Personnel Services

Contact: John Hodgson Tel: 0191 3833240

Appendix 1: Implications


Appear to be provisions designed to financially compensate employers for any replacement, administration or retraining costs.


Temporary arrangements may need to be put in place for staff who are called up.

Equal opportunities




Crime and disorder




Human rights




Young people





 Volunteer Reserve Forces.doc