Meeting documents

Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Tuesday 29 March 2005

            Meeting: Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 29/03/2005 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A8 Scrutiny Development Session


Scrutiny Sub-Committee for the Development of Lifelong Learning

29 March 2005

Scrutiny Development Session - 11 January 2005
Report of Head of Overview and Scrutiny

Purpose of Report

1. To explain the Development Session which took place at the Durham Leadership Centre at Spennymoor on 11 January 2005 and the issues of relevance for this Committee.


2. Nineteen County Councillors and two co-opted members attended this Development Session. The purpose was to review last year’s work and consider the work programme for next year. Northumbria University hosted the event and used the opportunity as part of their evaluation of the Scrutiny function.

3. Northumbria University will be producing an Evaluation Report about last year’s performance of the Scrutiny function. This is expected to be available this month.

Future Work Programme

4. With the assistance of Audience Response Equipment kindly loaned by the Community Safety Unit, the Council’s priority improvement areas for each Scrutiny Sub-Committee were considered. The purpose of the exercise was to give guidance to the Sub-Committee about those priority areas which could most beneficially be investigated to assist in improvement.

5. The seven priorities for improvement in relation to Developing Lifelong Learning were considered and ranked. Key stage 4 and Education in the Community received the strongest support. Surplus places and the 14-19 year old strategy also received a measure of support. The full results are attached.
6. The decision about the future work programme will need to be taken by the Sub-Committee following the election in May. This exercise will, however, provide useful guidance about those priorities which were seen to be areas in which the Scrutiny function could provide the most effective contribution to improve services.


7. You are asked to note this information which will be given further consideration as part of the determination of the future work programme.

Background Papers

Documentation submitted to the Development Session.

Contact: Ian Mackenzie Tel: 0191 383 3506


 Development Session January - 29 March.doc