Meeting documents

Area 1 Forum (SBC)
Monday 1 September 2008 6.30 pm

This site is now an archive of Sedgefield Borough Council.

Agenda and Minutes

Area 1 Forum
Monday, 1st September, 2008 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Village Hall, Byers Green

Contact: Miss. L. Kitto Tel 01388 816166 ext 4508 email: 

No. Item



To notify the Chairman if you have an interest in the following items.


Councillor Mrs. A.M. Armstrong indicated that she would be declaring a personal and prejudicial interest in Item No : 5 - Sedgefield Borough Local Improvement Programme - as she was a Member of Sedgefield Borough Cabinet.



MINUTES pdf icon PDF 85 K

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 16th June 2008.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 16th June, 2008 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.  (For copy see file of Minutes).




A representative of Spennymoor Police will attend the meeting to give a report on crime statistics and initiatives in the area.


Inspector W. Bentham, Community Inspector for Spennymoor and Ferryhill, was present at the meeting to give a  report on crime statisics, initiatives and road safety for the area.


It was noted that PC Ruth Taylor and PC Peter Hall were new officers within the Neighbourhood Policing Team.


The reported crime figures for June, July and August, 2008 were as follows :-




June :

July :

August :


Vehicle Crime




Violent Crime




Burglary (Dwelling)




Burglary (Other)




Rowdy Nuisance




Criminal Damage






With regard to road traffic accidents the figures were as follows :-



June :

July :

August :


Damage Only Accidents




Minor Injuries










It was noted that violent crime in June had increased, however, there was no particular trend or repeat location barring three calls to Stratton Street. 


Violent crime had declined in July, again with no particular trends.  There had been two calls to the locality of the Penny Gill, Spennymoor.


Burglary dwelling incidents had increased in June and July, however, for both monies eight people had been arrested for burglary crimes.


Following those arrests the figures had reduced back to normal in August.  Criminal damage figures had significantly increased in August as a result of one individual who had punctured 21 tyres over two nights in Spennymoor.  The individual was currently on bail for those offences and awaiting the CPS prosecution decision.


PC J. Rielly reported that the actions taken in respect of the Neighbourhood Priority for the Drake Street area had proven to be successful.  The main individual involved in the incidents had vacated the street.


Members were informed that consultation was taking place with regard to the increased number of traffic problems in Kirk Merrington.  Once the findings were completed, the area would be monitored.


With regard to Tweed Road, it was reported that rowdy nuisance and crime based incidents at the properties were the main problems.  The gathering of youths and drinking was not a problem in the area, however, it was suggested that the area be monitored and reviewed at the next meeting.


The Forum was asked to set one new Neighbourhood Priority to replace Drake Street.


A query was raised regarding anti-social behaviour and youths drinking in Whitworth Lane.


Members also reported that Dene Valley and Jubilee Park were areas of concern, as youths were congregating and drinking alcohol.  Specific reference was made to the number of empty alcohol bottles found in both areas.       


It was queried whether drug statistics could be produced for Area 1.  In response Members were informed that figures would be produced for the next meeting of the Area Forum.


Consideration was given to all the suggested areas. 


Members of the Forum agreed the following as Neighbourhood Priorities for Area 1:-


1.         Dene Valley/Jubilee Park

2.         Kirk Merrington

3.         Tweed Road


It was noted that actions taken in respect of the Priority areas would be reported at the next meeting of the Forum in October, 2008.


AGREED :        1.   That the information be noted.


                           2.   That the Neighbourhood Policing Priorities for Area 1 Forum be as follows :-


Ø            Dean Valley/Jubilee Park

Ø            Kirk Merrington

Ø            Tweed Road





Report of Assistant Chief Executive.



                  NB :          In accordance with Section 81 of the Local Government Act 2000 and the Member’s Code of Conduct, Councillor Mrs. A.M. Armstrong declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the above item and left the meeting for the duration of the discussion on the item.


Consideration was given to a report of the Assistant Chief Executive regarding the above.  (For copy see file of Minutes).


Members were informed that the cut-off date for new LIP applications was 31st July, 2008.  The Area 1 Forum had been allocated £836,000 of LIP capital resources between 2006 and 2009.  It was reported that money allocated for Area 1 was over-subscribed by £310,317. 


The project proposals to be considered were :-


Ø                        Kirk Merrington MUGA - Kirk Merrington Community Association

Ø                        Tudhoe Moor Play Area - Spennymoor Town Council

Ø                        Jubilee Park Play Improvements - Spennymoor Town Council

Ø                        Spennymoor Boxing Club - Spennymoor Boxing Academy


Members were informed that the following two projects were discussed at the Area Forum held on 16th June, 2008. 

Information on these projects had been included in this report.  Both projects had already been considered and supported by the Area Forum, however, had not yet been approved by Sedgefield Borough Council.


Ø                  New Life Christian Centre refurbishment - New Life Christian Centre

Ø                  St. Paul’s Parish Hall Community Regeneration Project - Applicant - St. Paul’s Parish Church


It was queried whether the criteria for LIP applications had changed.  In response it was explained that there had been no changes in criteria for applications.  However, more emphasis would be placed on match funding and deliverability of project.


A concern was raised regarding Jubilee Park Play Improvements and the number of youths the project would take off the streets.   In response the applicant explained that the application would hopefully lead to a significant increase in youth users.  The project would update and improve the amenities on the park, the main features on the scheme would include : junior play equipment, MUGA, skate park facility, fitness/adult equipment, one piece of toddler equipment, youth shelter, seating, litter bins, signage and landscaping. The applicant identified that the project would have many impacts on the residents and community of Spennymoor including Healthy Community, Safer Community and reduction in Anti-Social Behaviour.


Neil McCormick, Spennymoor Boxing Club, explained that this project would also provide a reduction in anti-social behaviour.  The existing gym would not provide enough space to allow new Members to join the Club.  The project would consist of moving all of the existing gym to the present squash court area of Spennymoor Leisure Centre.  The Club would not only provide exercise but also would teach discipline, manners and respect for the community.  The aim would be to include female membership as well as increasing junior and male membership.  The long term impact would be the possibility of creating champion boxers with a number of members potentially being considered to represent Great Britain in the London Olympics in 2012.


Consideration was given to all the project proposals.  Members of the Forum agreed to support all projects.


AGREED :                 That the projects be supported.




The Chairman will take questions from the floor.


Geoff  Darkes, Greenway Residents Association, informed Members of a meeting to be held regarding Spennymoor Regeneration.  The meeting would be held at Spennymoor Town Hall on 25th September, 2008 at 7.00 p.m.




Monday 27th October 2008 at 6.30 p.m. venue to be confirmed.


Monday 27th October, 2008 at 6.30 p.m. at Community Centre, Tudhoe.