Meeting documents

Healthy Borough With Strong Communities Overview And Scrutiny Committee (SBC)
Tuesday 27 November 2007

This site is now an archive of Sedgefield Borough Council.

Agenda and Minutes

Healthy Borough With Strong Communities Overview And Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 27th November, 2007 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Spennymoor

Contact: Miss. S. Billingham, Tel 01388 816166 Ext 4240, 

No. Item



To notify the Chairman of any items that appear later in the agenda in which you may have an interest.


No declarations of interest were received.



MINUTES pdf icon PDF 88 K

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd October 2007


The Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd October, 2007 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 




To consider the attached Action Plan detailing progress against recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Review of Leisure Centre Concessionary Pricing Scheme.


Consideration was given to a report detailing progress to date on Cabinet’s Response and Action Plan following consideration of its recommendations arising from the Leisure Centre Concessionary Pricing Scheme Review (for copy see file of Minutes).


It was explained that Paul Gray, Marketing Manager, was present at the meeting to outline progress.  The portfolio holder for Leisure and Culture, Councillor Mrs B. Graham, was also at the meeting to respond to any queries.


Members were reminded of the background to the Review and recommendations provided by the Review Group, the Action Plan which had been drawn up and suggested timescale.


Details  on progress of each action was outlined.


During discussion of this item specific reference was made to therapy facilities within the Borough and in particular the need to extend facilities to more areas of the Borough.


A query was raised regarding partnership working with the PCT in relation to encouraging fitness exercise prescribing.  It was explained that initially uptake in fitness exercise prescribing had been slow due to certain criteria having to be met.  However, uptake had now increased considerably through partnership working and approximately 900 people had been through the Fit-for-Life Programme.


There was scope for increased capacity and the situation continued to be monitored.


AGREED :                    1.      That the Committee was satisfied with the progress of the Action Plan for the Overview and Scrutiny Review for Leisure Centre Concessionary Pricing Scheme.


                                       2.      That the Committee reviews the progress of the Action Plan in six months.





To consider the attached schedule.


Consideration was given to a report measuring performance against the Corporate Plan of the Healthy Borough and Strong Communities Delivery Plans covering the period  from 1st April  2007 to 30th September 2007 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The report provided data on 15 healthy borough and 29 strong Performance Indicators, of which  8 were key to the Council’s aims and objectives.  The report did not include figures which were calculated on an annual basis.


Members expressed their satisfaction with the following key points of progress :-


Healthy Borough

Ø               Percentage of Pest Control Complaints Responded to within 3 days

Ø               Adults with physical disabilities helped to live at home per 1,000 of the population aged 18 - 64 and older people helped to live at home per 1,000 of the population aged 65 and over.

Ø               Representative facility use by people from black and ethnic minorities.


Strong Communities

Ø                 44% Homelessness applications that are repeat applications.

Ø                 Number of Homeless Applications and Number of Homeless Applications from 16 - 17 year olds.

Ø                 Number of Households who consider themselves as Homeless for whom Housing Advice Casework Intervention resolved their situation.

Ø                 Number of Domestic Burglaries per 1,000 Households/Violent Crime per year per 1,000 population Number of Vehicle Crimes per 1,000 population. Number of racial incidents per 1,000,000 of the population.


The Committee then broke into workshop sessions to give detailed consideration of performance information.


Members made specific reference to the following Indicators :


Ø               Proportion of rent collected (BV0066(a)) :  the Indicator was performing 1.38% below target.  However, performance could only be calculated accurately at the end of the financial year.  It was anticipated that the target would be achieved.  It was considered that no remedial action was required at this time.  The situation should, however, be monitored.


Ø               Rent Arrears of Current Tenants as a Proportion of the Authority’s Rent Roll (LPI17) : Performance of this Indicator was below target.  It was anticipated that the target, however, would be met by the end of the financial year.  It was considered that no remedial action was required at this time.  The situation, however, needed to be monitored.


Ø               Robberies per year per 1,000 of the Population in the Local Authority area (BV127(b)) : This Indicator was performing below target.  It was, however, considered that the target would be met  by the end of the financial year.  It was therefore considered that no remedial action was required at this time.  The situation should, however, be monitored.


The following issues were identified for inclusion on the Committee Work Programme for further indepth examination :-


Percentage of High Risk Food Premises Inspections that should and were carried out (CPH04)

The Indicator was performing 15% below target.  Staffing levels in the Food Safety Team were down by 33% and a high percentage of the premises in this years Programme requiring an inspection in the first half of the year were the reasons for the target not being met.  The appointment of an additional Senior Environmental Health Officer would, it was anticipated, ensure that the overall inspection programme was completed by the end of March, 2008.  It was, however, considered that further information and explanation was required to ensure that the target would be met.


Representative Facility Use by Young People under 16 (CPH16)

Concern was expressed that the Indicator was performing 18.91% under target.  The figure had been recalculated for Quarter 1.  The calculation was now based on actual figures from Torex, the software package, recording the number of people swiping their B: Active cards on entry to the facility.  The figure would therefore before become more reliable once turnstiles were fully operational and all Leisure Centre visitors were recorded through the Torex via B: Active Card Swipes.  It was considered, however, that more information was needed in relation to usage at the Centres by young people and indicating methods which were being used to attract users from this age group.


This was linked also to the following three Indicators relating to Leisure Centre usage :


Representative Facility Usage by People from the Most Disadvantaged Socio Economic Groups (CPH17)

It was noted that the figure for this would not be available until the end of the year.


Representative Facility Usage by People aged over 60 (CPH18)

This Indicator was also performing below target and information was required on how usage could be increased within this age group.


Proportion of Facility Use by Disabled People Aged under 60 (CPH20)

Although this Indicator was performing on target it was considered that ways of increasing usage by this Group needed to be examined.


Percentage of Population that is Within 20 Minute Travel Time of a Range of Three Different Facility Types of which one has achieved a High Quality Standard Assurance (CPH22)

This Indicator was performing 7.3% below target.  Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre had recently submitted its application for QUEST which was an accredited scheme.  Assessment was due in February 2008 and it was anticipated that QUEST would be awarded by the end of the financial year and the target would be met.  However, it was considered that further information was required.


Average Time Taken to Relet Local Authority Housing (BV212)

Performance was currently 4.1 days below target.  Long term voids in sheltered units were being targeted resulting in properties being let.  This was leading to an adverse affect on the voids turnaround time.  Further information was requested on this Indicator.


This was also linked to the following Indicator :-


Satisfaction with Condition of New Let Properties (CPS08)

This Indicator was performing 12% below target.  The voids standards were under review.  Standards would be issued to new tenants in order for new tenants to assess satisfaction levels against standards dealing with tenants perception, compared to standards.  Further information and clarification was needed in relation to this Indicator.


Total BCS Crime within the Borough (CPS15)

The performance was being monitored monthly by the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership.  The Partnerships target was to reduce crime by 15% by 2008.  It was noted that Sedgefield Crime and Reduction Disorder Partnership was the only one in the County to record a reduction in total crime against baseline in the year.  Performance was good but achieving a 15% reduction was a challenging target.  Further information was requested in relation to this Indicator.


AGREED :                    1.   That the key points of progress be noted.


                                       2.   That areas of concern be incorporated in the Committees Work Programme.




To consider the attached report of the Chairman of the Committee.


Consideration was given to the Work Programme for the Healthy Borough with Strong Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  (For copy see file of Minutes).


It was explained that at the meeting of Strategic Leadership Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 20th November, 2007 consideration had been given to a half yearly Corporate Complaints report and in particular an issue identified in the Ombudsman’s report relating to a complaint which had been referred regarding repairs to a central heating boiler.  At that meeting it was agreed that consideration of the issue be referred to this Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  Members noted that the issue had been identified and corrected.  The tenant had been compensated as suggested in the Ombudsman’s report and systems had been put in place to ensure that the possibility of a similar issue arising again was minimised.  The Committee considered that no further remedial action was needed.


Members had identified Performance Indicators to be addressed in the Work Programme.


AGREED :              1.   That the report be noted.


                                 2.   That the following items be placed on the Committee Work Programme :-


Ø        Progress towards the Performance Indicator relating to High Risk Food premises inspections (CPH04).


Ø        Progress towards Leisure Centre usage Indicators (CPH16, CPH17, CPH18 and CPH20) relating to usage by young people, older people and other disadvantaged groups.


Ø        Progress towards Indicator (CP22) relating to the percentage of the population that was within 20 minutes travel time from a range of different leisure facilities.


Ø        Progress towards Indicators (BV212 and CPS08) relating to the average time to let a Council property and the satisfaction with condition of new let properties.


Ø        Progress towards crime Performance Indicator (CPS15) relating to the total BCS crime within the Borough.