Meeting documents

Prosperous and Attractive Borough Overview and Scrutiny Committee (SBC)
Tuesday 4 November 2008

This site is now an archive of Sedgefield Borough Council.

Agenda and Minutes

Prosperous and Attractive Borough Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 4th November, 2008 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices Spennymoor

Contact: Liz North 01388 816166 ext 4237 email: 

No. Item



To notify the Chairman of any items that appear later in the agenda in which you may have an interest.


No declarations of interest were received.



MINUTES pdf icon PDF 83 K

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd September 2008.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd September 2008 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.




To consider the attached report.


Consideration was given to a report measuring performance against the Prosperous Borough and Attractive Borough elements of the Corporate Plan covering the period 1st April 2008 to 30th September 2008.  (For copy see file of Minutes).


The report provided data on 34 Performance Indicators of which 6 were key to the Council’s aims and objectives.


Of the 17 Prosperous Borough Indicators, 12 had demonstrated improved performance against 2007/2008 actual outturns, 5 were performing at a worse level whilst 10 indicators were on schedule to achieve the 2008/2009 target and 5 were off target.  In respect of the Attractive Borough Performance Indicators it was noted that of the 17 indicators 13 had demonstrated improved performance against 2007/2008 actual outturn and 2 had performed at a worse level.  12 Indicators had performed above 2008/9 target and 5 were below target.


Specific reference was made to the following :-


CPP04 Percentage of Unemployed Adults undertaking training with SBC who gain employment

The Committee was informed that this Indicator was performing 7% below target.  It was explained that over the past 2 months there had been a significant decline in job opportunities in the local job market which was having an impact on job outcome rates.


CPP10(i) Number of new start businesses registering with the Inland Revenue as a result of support received through Sedgefield Borough Council

This Indicator was thought to be below target as a result of the effect of the recent down turn in the economic climate.


CPP12 Number of new clients using revised Shildon Business Centre offer

It was explained that this Indicator was performing 8 new clients below target.  A marketing plan was being produced to tackle this situation and to advertise the service across Sedgefield Borough Council.  It was anticipated that this would raise the performance for Quarter 3.


CPP13 Number of Businesses attending Your Business Forum workshops

It was noted that this Indicator was performing 53.5 businesses below target.  The Committee was informed that plans were in progress to launch a newly branded South Durham Business Network during January 2009.  It was forecast that attendance at this event would be around 150.


XBV218(b) Percentage of Abandoned Vehicles removed within 24 hours from the point at which the Authority is legally entitled to remove the vehicle

Members were informed that there had been no abandoned vehicles removed in Quarter 1.  A reason was assumed to be the price of scrap metal leading people to scrap cars rather than abandon them.


XBV219(b) Percentage of Conservation Areas in the Local Authority area with an up-to-date Character Appraisal

This Indicator was performing 13.3% below target.  It was noted that one Conservation Area Appraisal was due to be submitted to Council for approval and two were currently being processed.  It was anticipated that the end of year target would be met.


CPA02 Number of Collections Missed per 100,000 Collections of Household Waste

This Indicator was performing 68 missed collections per 100,000 off target.  The high number of missed collections was due to a new kerbside recycling scheme which had been introduced in April 2008.  For the first three months of the new contract the number of missed collections was extremely high.  However, the number of missed collections was reducing month on month.  The number had reduced from 93 in Quarter1 to 78 in Quarter 2.             


NI192 Percentage of Household Waste sent for re-use, recycling and composting

It was noted that the target for this Indicator may not be achieved as the anaerobic digester was out of commission and no date had been given when it would be operational.


XBV204 The percentage of appeals allowed against the authority’s decision to refuse on planning applications

The Committee was informed that this Indicator was performing 13.3% off target.  The Quarter 2 figure reflected one appeal which had been upheld out of a total of 3 during the period.



AGREED :     That the report be accepted.




To consider the attached report of Chairman of the Committee.


Consideration was given to the Committee’s Work Programme (for copy see file of Minutes).


An update was given on the Committee’s two review groups Attractive Borough Scrutiny Review Group and Prosperous Borough Scrutiny Review Group.


AGREED :     That the Committee’s Work Programme be approved.