Meeting documents

Cabinet (DCC)
Thursday 8 January 2009

            Meeting: Cabinet (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 2 - 08/01/2009 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A0 Record of Executive Decisions



The following is a record of the decisions taken at the meeting of CABINET on THURSDAY 8 JANUARY 2009.

These decisions will come into force and may be implemented from 20 JANUARY 2009, unless the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee or its Committees object to any such decision and call it in.

Tyne and Wear City Region - Contribution to Costs 2007/08, 2008/09 and

The Cabinet considered a Report of the Corporate Director, Environment setting out the residual costs of Durham
County Council’s engagement with the Tyne and Wear City Region (TWCR) during the 2007/08 financial year, the costs
for the current and future years and seeking approval of these as follows -

1) £8,907 relating to 2007 - 2008 expenditure;

2) £30,388 in the current financial year (2008/09);

3) A budget allocation of £42,670 for 2009/10

These costs will contribute towards protecting the interests of County Durham and maximising opportunities, developing a robust economic evidence-base and improving analytical capacity.

The Cabinet agreed to the contributions set out above.

Dog Control Order
[Key Decision ENV/LGR/01/08].

The Cabinet considered a Report of the Corporate Director, Environment seeking agreement to commence the process for introducing a “Fouling of Land by Dogs (County Durham) Order 2009”.

Dog fouling is a significant cause of public complaint in most areas of the County and all Districts provide a balance of enforcement and educational services to tackle the problem.
The level of service varies within each District and as part of the Local Government Reorganisation process it is necessary to unify service standards across the County. This will take some time to complete; however action can be taken at the present time to harmonise the significant irregularities relating to the legislation being used and to unify the level of fixed penalty notice.

This will require the Council to make a Dog Control Order, to be termed the “Fouling of Land by Dogs (County of Durham) Order 2009” which will describe the areas to which the order will apply and set a unified level of fixed penalty. This order will be made under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 (CNEA) and will replace and update all existing dog fouling controls across the County.

The Cabinet agreed to the commencement of the publication process for the introduction of a “Fouling of Land by Dogs (County of Durham) Order 2009”and that an appropriate level of fixed penalty be set at £80, discounted to £50 if paid within 14 days.

Following the statutory consultation period, a further report is to be brought to the Cabinet to consider representations made and if appropriate to make the order.

Consett Sports Complex: Business as Usual

The Cabinet considered a Report of the Corporate Director, Resources providing an outline of the Consultant’s work
done so far in relation to a proposal for a new sports complex in Consett and proposing the commissioning of a final
piece of work to enable Cabinet to make a decision about the proposed development.

The Consultants have produced a helpful report from which it is clear that there are a number of positives which should give assurances to the new County Council about the project. However, other questions have been raised, particularly around the relationship between Project Genesis Ltd, a Trust and the current District. These relationships are soon to be with the County Council.

The Consultants have identified a number of issues which they consider need to be addressed particularly around the relationship between Derwentside and the Genesis Trust.

It was suggested therefore that the following work is commissioned to understand the position:
1) The resulting relationship between the new unitary authority the County Council,, and the Genesis Trust, together with its associated companies, in particular PGL.
2) The resulting relationship between the new unitary authority the County Council and Leisureworks.
3) The extent to which linkages with other policies/organisations have been considered in the current Project proposal. In particular, the policies of the County Council to the extent that these will be taken forward by the new unitary authority.
4) Any actions which will need to be undertaken by the new unitary authority the County Council, in order to take the project forward.
5) On-going maintenance and operating requirements for the Project, and the impact of these on the operating performance of the unitary authority.
6) An assessment of the overall socio-economic impact on the residents of Derwentside, particularly in the light of the strategy and vision of the County Council, and how this will be taken forward by the new unitary authority.

The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Resources, in consultation with the Leader and the Cabinet Portfolio Member for Corporate Resources, be authorised to commission a final piece of work from Consultants based on the above as a matter of urgency.

Covenant of Mayors - Climate Change

The Cabinet considered a Report of the Corporate Director, Environment about the introduction of an important European Initiative to tackle Climate Change, the “Covenant of Mayors” and recommending that the County Council becomes a signatory.

The Cabinet agreed that the County Council become a signatory of the Covenant of Mayors in January 2009 and fully utilise the opportunity to raise the profile of the climate change sustainability agenda across the County and the Region.

Part B (Items not open to the Public)

Local Authority School Governors - Esh Winning Primary School

The Cabinet considered a Report of the Corporate Director, Children and Young People’s Services about the
appointment of one Local Authority Governor to Esh Winning Primary School using the processes agreed by Cabinet on
18 July 2008 and 6 November 2008.

The Cabinet agreed that Mr. P. Venn, be nominated as a Local Authority Governor at Esh Winning Primary School.

Lesley Davies, Acting Director of Corporate Services
12 January 2009


 Exec Decs 01.08.09.pdf