Meeting documents

Cabinet (DCC)
Thursday 26 March 2009

            Meeting: Cabinet (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 2 - 26/03/2009 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A7 Review of In-house Residential Homes: Options Appraisal - Lynwood House, Lanchester


Report of Rachael Shimmin - Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services.

Purpose of the Report

1. The purpose of this report is to seek Members approval to take forward the options appraisal work relating to the above residential home.


2. The recommendations of the Scrutiny Working Group were adopted by Cabinet in March 2008. These included undertaking detailed option appraisals work on 5 of the existing 12 DCC run residential homes, as Phase 1 of the programme.

These are:-
East Green, West Auckland
Feryemount, Ferryhill
Grampian House, Peterlee
Lynwood House, Lanchester
Manor House, Annfield Plain

3. This work has been underway for some months now, and is being overseen by a Project Board, chaired by the portfolio holder for Adult and Community Services.
4. The recommendations of the Scrutiny Working Group for Lynwood House were:-
(a) The Working group note the options and suggests that, Lynwood House, Lanchester be included in Phase 1 and be re-modelled as a North Centre for Intermediate care or, subject to Member agreement, that the land be disposed of to a developer who will re-provide in accordance with locally perceived needs.
(Phase 1 to go ahead as soon as is possible informed by a feasibility study and supported by a detailed business case).
(b) Members note that the Lanchester Partnership, comprising the Parish Council, Mental Health Care (a local care home charitable provider), the local hospice and a local GP practice, are extremely interested in this site. It is suggested that the proposals for Lynwood House, Lanchester should be fast-tracked with an early report to Cabinet and that an early indication should be given to the Lanchester Partnership about the County Councils position on this matter.

Current Position

5. Lynwood House currently provides a mixture of functions, including short-term assessment beds and respite care as well as being the home of up to 18 residents, on a long term basis. The occupancy rate for these long term beds is currently about 90% over the last quarter.

6. A CSCI inspection carried out in September 2008, confirmed that residents who use the service experience good quality outcomes. However, Lynwood House is not up to the current national minimum standards which CSCI demand of new and substantially altered establishments.

7. The costs of bringing Lynwood House up to those standards, was estimated to be over £1.5m last year and to rebuild the facility would be in excess of £3m. Examples of areas of deficiency include: - provision of en-suite facilities, room sizes, door sizes etc.

8. Before examining any further options for the use of this site, it is necessary to make a formal decision on the future use of Lynwood House as a residential care home. There is a legal requirement on the Local Authority to formally consult before making a final decision in order to avoid legal challenge. Specifically this will require detailed consultation with residents, their families, and the broader community.

9. All options, other than retaining and maintaining the existing building, will require current service users to move to alternative provision.

10. In keeping with the Cabinet recommendation, discussions have taken place with the Lanchester Partnership about their proposals, and their ability to present a robust case which could potentially benefit the community.

11. However, it is important that this initial consultation focuses only on whether or not to continue residential care provision at Lynwood House, and that further consideration of the options continues only when a decision has been made on this issue. Recommendations:-

a) that Cabinet agree to consult on ceasing the provision of residential care at Lynwood House. b) that Cabinet receive a further report on the outcome of consultation in due course.

c) that should the decision, following the consultation, be to cease providing residential care, then Cabinet agrees to consult on the further use of the whole site, including considering proposals from community groups, and receive a further report with recommendations.

d) that the following timetable be agreed

- Consultation period 1st April - 30th June 2009
- Report on the consultation outcomes to CMT no later than August 2009
- Report with recommendations to Cabinet no later than September 2009.

Contact: Phil Malyan, Personalisation Development Officer
Tel: (0191) 3835648

Appendix 1: Implications
FinanceThe cost of the consultation can be met from within current resources.

StaffingLynwood House currently has an establishment of 33 staff. It is expected that the staff and trade unions would have input into the consultation process.
Equal OpportunitiesAn Equality Impact Assessment will need to be carried out as part of the consultation and options appraisal exercise.
AccommodationPotentially, any change of use from a residential home facility will impact most on the current residents. Included in the consultation will be some supply and demand analysis carried out to establish their wishes on potential alternative accommodation.
Crime and disorderN/A
SustainabilityThis consultation is to help collate views on the future use of Lynwood House, so that a sustainable long term plan can be created.

Human RightsThis consultation will take into account the requirements of individuals and their views, and will respect human rights in line with legal requirements and current case law.

LocalitiesThis consultation will take into account the views of the whole community of Lanchester and the surrounding areas as required
Young People

There will be a need for consultation with service users, their carers and the community generally. This consultation period must be for a minimum of 3 months.

Local Government Review

This proposal is unaffected by LGR issues.


 Lynwood House.pdf