Meeting documents

Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 13 June 2005

            Meeting: Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 13/06/2005 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A5 Performance Management


Scrutiny Sub-Committee to Promote Strong, Healthy and Safe Communities

13 June 2005

Performance Management

Report of Head of Overview and Scrutiny

Purpose of Report

1. To explain the way in which the Sub-Committee seeks to monitor performance in relation to issues within its jurisdiction.


2. The Overview and Scrutiny Committees have an important role in the Council’s overall arrangements for Performance Management. Regular reports on key performance issues are provided to the Sub-Committee to assist in this role.

3. All local authorities are required to publicly report their achievements in relation to a large number of performance indicators. These indicators are prescribed by the Government and are sometimes referred to as Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs). For this Sub-Committee, there are also a number of other Performance Indicators (which, in due course, will be provided by the Social Care and Health Service) including information about how the Council is delivering the Local Public Service Agreement which is an Agreement between the Council and Central Government about specific improvements in services. These indicators provide an opportunity to assess the Council’s performance and some involve comparison of performance on a national basis.

4. Each Scrutiny Sub-Committee receives a quarterly report about the relevant Performance Indicators for that Sub-Committee. This information is provided in a symbol form. The relevance of the symbols will be explained in more detail at the Sub-Committee meeting.

5. The attached report from the Head of Corporate Policy explains the relevant performance management information for the Communities Sub-Committee. The main purpose of this item will be to provide an explanation about this information particularly for new Members and to give some guidance about those areas to which Members’ attention should be drawn.


6. You are asked to note this information.

Contact: Ian Mackenzie Tel: 0191 383 3506

Communities Scrutiny

th June 2005
Strong, Healthy, Safe Communities ~
Performance Update 2004/05
Report of the Head of Corporate Policy

Purpose of the Report

1 The purpose of this report is to provide an end of year performance update (2004/05) for Best Value Performance Indicators and LPSA’s relevant to Strong, Healthy, and Safe Communities.


2. Attached as Appendix 1 is a table of the relevant indicators showing performance since 2000/2001 to date, and draft targets up to 2007/08. The 2004/05 actual figures are those that will be reported to the Audit Commission and appear in our Corporate & Best Value Performance Plan 2005/06.
3. Of the 28 BVPIs relevant to Promoting Strong, Healthy, Safe Communities that we are reporting, 10 have achieved the targets set for 2004/05, 7 have improved since 2003/04 although did not achieve target, 5 had deteriorated performance, 3 remain estimates or cannot be reported at this point, and 3 are significantly amended so trends cannot be established.
4. Of particular note within those that achieved target:
  • BV53 - Intensive home care per 1,000 population. Performance against this indicator has been consistently top quartile since 2001/02. A steadily improving trend has led to performance exceeding the target in 2004/05.
  • BV54 - Older people helped to live at home per 1,000 population. Performance against this indicator has improved and final outturn exceeds the target for 04/05.
  • BV166a - Trading Standards checklist. With performance at 100% since 2000/01, this indicator is consistently top quartile.
5. Of particular note within those with deteriorated performance:
  • BV49 - Stability of placements of children looked after. The purpose of this indicator is to encourage the stability of looked after children. Authorities are therefore required to report when such children have had 3 or more placements during the year. Although performance has deteriorated and we have missed our target by 2.3%, it should be noted that 0 - 16% is considered “very good” performance.
  • BV117 - the number of physical visits to library premises per 1,000 population. Performance has deteriorated since 2003/04 although it should be noted that the indicator has been deleted from the BVPI suite for 2005/06.
Local Public Service Agreement
6. Final performance is now available for LPSA targets relevant to Promoting Strong Healthy Safe Communities. Mixed performance has been realised by the three targets most aligned to this committee. Attached as Appendix 2 is a table showing baseline and final performance. Of the 5 indicators used to measure the LPSA targets, 2 were fully achieved, 1 achieved the 60% improvement threshold and 2 failed to meet their stretch targets

7 That Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee Members:

i. note the contents of this report
ii. agree to receiving quarterly performance progress reports throughout 2005/06
Contact: Bev Stobbart Tel: 0191 383 4001


 Performance Indicatorspdf.pdf;
 Performance - Corp Policypdf.pdf;
 Performance - Appdf.pdf