Meeting documents

Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 28 November 2005

            Meeting: Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 28/11/2005 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A4 Performance Management


Scrutiny Sub-Committee
28th November 2005
Strong Healthy Safe Communities ~
Performance Update
Half-year 2005/06
Report of the Head of Corporate Policy

Purpose of the Report

1 The purpose of this report is to provide the half-year performance update (2005/06) for Best Value Performance Indicators relevant to our Corporate Aim, Promoting Strong, Healthy, Safe Communities.


2. Attached as Table 1 are the relevant BVPIs showing historical performance since 2000/2001. First quarter and half-year performance for 2005/06 is shown against our targets and Performance Plus ™ alert icons identify how we are doing.
BV99 - Road Safety
3. BV99 (and all of its sub-indicators) is included in the table but it should be noted that the guidance for 05/06 requires us to report figures for the calendar year 2004. These figures are therefo re already established.
Half- Year Performance
4 At the half-year point it is particularly important to take the opportunity to respond to performance information in order to identify where actions are required to reach annual targets. Of those PIs aligned to Strong Healthy Safe Communities, the overwhelming majority of indicators are performing to target at this point in the year. Of particular note:
BV127a05 Violent Crime. There has been a further increase in reported violent crime this quarter and this reflects the upward national trend. Part of this increase is attributable to better recording and more offences being included in this category.

BV195 Acceptable waiting times for assessment. This is a key threshold indicator for Social Care & Health and performance A change in the definition of this indicator accounts for the declining performance. The start of an assessment can no longer be a contact assessment over the telephone and this has affected performance. This was picked up at Social Care & Health’s relevant Performance Day and it was decided that a working group would address the issue. The second quarter figure is a very slight improvement but it remains difficult to predict the final quartile / PAF (Performance Assessment Framework) positions for this changed indicator for 2005/06. Amended PAF bandings are expected in the near future and these will give us an indication as to how Durham performance compares with other authorities.

Of particular note that are performing well or to target:

BV49.04 Stability of placements of children looked after. This BVPI is also a PAF indicator. Performance is now decreasing toward our target of 10. It should be noted that the Commission for Social Care Improvement classes all performance from 0 - 16 to be very good and in the top banding.

BV53 Intensive Homecare per 1000 65+. Year on year improvement for this consistent top quartile (and top PAF banding) indicator has been further built upon during the first half of 05/06.

BV54 Older people helped to live at home. This indicator has shown consistent improvement since 2000/01. At the half-year point performance is above both 04/05 outturn and the 05/06 target.

BV99 Road accident casualties. This indicator has been amended for 05/06 and is a component of the Environment Service Block Score. Guidance states that we report road accident casualties occurring in the calendar year 2004 in 2005/06. The table therefore shows the annual figures for 2004.

BV126a Domestic Burglaries . There has been a decrease in the rate of domestic burglaries and performance is better than target.


That Community Scrutiny Sub-Committee Members:

i. note the contents of this report
ii. agree to receiving subsequent quarterly performance progress reports throughout 2005/06
Contact: Bev Stobbart Tel: 0191 383 4001

For copy of appendix A please refer to hard copy records

Key to Symbols & Colours

Better than target performance Colour Quartile Position
On target performance - within ±10% tolerance Top
Worse than target performance Second
Missing Actual Data Third
Missing Target Data Bottom


 Appendix A.pdf;
 Communities Report - Nov 05.pdf