Meeting documents

Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 5 June 2006

            Meeting: Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 05/06/2006 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A4 Terms of Reference of the Sub - Committee


Scrutiny Sub­Committee for Strong,
Healthy and Safe Communities

5 June 2006

Terms of Reference of the

Report of Head of Overview and Scrutiny

Purpose of Report

1. To explain the Terms of Re ference of this Sub­Committee.


2. All local authorities now have de tailed Constitutions which are public
documents explaining how they operate.

3. The Council is required under the C onstitution to appoint a Scrutiny Sub­
Committee for Strong, Healthy and Sa fe Communities. The formal terms
of reference of the Sub­Committee are attached to this report to assist
Members at the start of this new committee year.


4. You are recommended to note this information.

Contact: Tom Bolton Tel: 0191 383 3149

Strong Healthy and Safe Comm unities Scrutiny Sub­Committee

Terms of reference

To fulfil the Overview and Scrutiny role in relation to:

1. the Council’s Social Care and Heal th Functions (recognising the role and
jurisdiction of the Health Scrutiny Sub­Committee);

2. to enhance the capacity of communi ties and enable people to participate
in community life;

3. to support and protect vulner able adults, young people and children;

4. to help to reduce crim e and the fear of crime;

5. to help to improve the health of local people;

6. to invest in our children and young people.


 Terms of Reference - 5 June 2006.pdf