Meeting documents

Corporate Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 22 November 2004

            Meeting: Corporate Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 22/11/2004 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A4 Procument


Scrutiny Sub-Committee for Corporate Management Issues

22 November 2004


Report of Head of Overview and Scrutiny

Purpose of Report

1. To explain the presentation to be given to the Sub-Committee about the County Council’s procurement arrangements.


2. A presentation will be given to the Sub-Committee by Bill Richards, Head of Corporate Procurement to explain the authority’s policies in relation to the purchase of goods and services.

3. In broad terms, the Council spends approximately £195 million per annum on the provision of goods, works and services.

4. The Council’s procurement strategy will be explained and this will also be put into the national context following the Gershon review about the introduction of efficiencies in central and local government.

5. The forecast for cost reduction and efficiency savings for the authority over the next five years is in excess of £33 million which clearly is an important element for the budget process.


6. You are asked to consider the detailed presentation which will be given to the Sub-Committee.

Contact: Ian Mackenzie Tel: 0191 383 3506


 Procurement - 22 Nov.doc