Meeting documents

Corporate Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 28 February 2005

            Meeting: Corporate Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 28/02/2005 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A3 Risk Management - Presentation by Keith Thompson, Assistant County Treasurer and Burney Johnson, Head of Transport, Strategy and Design


Scrutiny Sub-Committee for Corporate Management Issues

Risk Management Arrangements:
Progress Report

Report of Deputy Chief Executive, Change Management & County Treasurer

Purpose of the Report

1. The purpose of this report is to outline the issues to be covered in the presentation to be made at the Sub Committee meeting on 28 th February 2005.

Presentation outline

2. Members may recall our presentation to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 14 th May 2004. That presentation outlined the Council’s progress in terms of implementing robust risk management arrangements. It demonstrated the role of risk management as one of the five dimensions of Corporate Governance and its linkage to the Statement of Internal Control. We also outlined the key principles of risk management and Internal Audit’s role in terms of providing assurance. The presentation went on to outline the medium term objectives derived from the Council’s risk management strategy and familiarised Members with the practical issues around risk identification, determining the likelihood and impact of specific risks and the creation of strategic and service risk registers and action plans.

3. The purpose of this further presentation is to up-date Members on progress in the last 9 months in terms of our developing arrangements. Through the Council’s Risk Management Implementation Programme, attention has been focused on making progress with the arrangements for identifying and assessing significant risks; the framework for managing risks; clarifying roles and responsibilities; reporting and monitoring arrangements; training; and communications. In the context of communications, a link to the first Risk Management staff newsletter, which is held in the Intranet Document Library, is attached below for Members’ information and a limited number of hard copies will be available at the meeting.



4. It is hoped that Members will find that the session provides an opportunity to examine the approach that has been adopted to assist the Council in identifying and managing Strategic and Service risks and demonstrate the progress being made in cascading and embedding Risk Management into all of the Council’s functions and activities.

Contact: Burney Johnson Tel: 0191 383 3506
Head of Transport Services & Design



 Item 3 - Risk Management.doc