Meeting documents

County Council (DCC)
Wednesday 4 February 2009

            Meeting: County Council (County Hall, Durham - Council Chamber - 04/02/2009 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A8 Questions from Members


Councillor O Temple

I have been given assurances by Derwentside’s Section 151 officer that that the £13.15 million contribution from Derwentside District Council included in the “Business as Usual” submission to build a new Sports Centre in Consett is fully funded. I therefore accept that that contribution is fully funded.

Does the Cabinet Portfolio Member for Corporate Resources accept the assurances of Derwentside’s Section 151 officer, that the £13.15 million contribution from Derwentside District Council included in the “Business as Usual” submission to build a new Sports Centre in Consett is fully funded?

Councillor G Huntington

Is this Council prepared to comment on the statement made by the Children’s Secretary Mr Ed Balls (Northern Echo 16th January).

In the statement Mr Balls points out that in schools, where fewer than 30% of pupils achieved five GCSE’s. no lower than grade C including English and Maths judged the most important subjects, are at risk of closure unless results improve by 2011. He also points out that schools plus secondaries just above the threshold, will now be targeted with intensive support and extra money through The National Challenge Programme.

It noted that Local Education Authorities within the Northern Region have received extra funding of between £104,000 and £407,000 but that Durham County Council is among four authorities which failed to put together acceptable plans for spending the cash by a deadline of the close of last year, a situation which Mr Balls described as “disappointing”.

Councillor Holland

Throughout their lifetime, the District Councils undertook the management of many playing fields and their associated facilities. These major recreational assets, and the leisure centres are at the heart of community cohesion, offering a vital provision to the welfare of our communities throughout the county. How does the Unitary Council propose to maintain these facilities after April 1st and what level of subsidy is it prepared to offer to protect these assets? Can we receive assurances now that the financial support required will be at a level that protects and indeed enhances the recreational opportunities for all the residents of this county?

Councillor Wilkes

Can the Portfolio Member for Corporate Resources please confirm that this Council allows staff to purchase designer brand glue sticks at up to 90p each when alternative non-branded versions can be purchased for as little as 12p?

Can the portfolio member further confirm exactly how much more this is costing than using the non-branded items over a twelve month period and why this is being allowed?

Will the portfolio member now outlaw the purchase of these branded items and carry out an immediate root and branch review of the hundreds of thousands of pounds spent by this authority on stationary and office supplies?

Cllr Woods

1. In 2006 the County Council confirmed to Sherburn Village Parish Council that it had acknowledged the change of name of the village from Sherburn to Sherburn Village. In spring this year the council started to put up road signs for the new bypass using the village’s old name of just Sherburn, when this was pointed out by several councillors and the parish council there was an assurance that they would be altered and all future signs would have the correct name of the village.

Since then more and more signs keep appearing on this stretch of road and it’s feeder roads and not one of them has the correct name of Sherburn Village.

The Parish Council and the residents of Sherburn Village want to know what the County Council intends to do about it?

2. Durham City Council has 6,020 council houses which it manages itself following an option appraisal where 98% of tenants voted to keep the City of Durham Council as its landlord. In eight weeks time the City Council will cease to exist and many tenants are worried about their future. When will the new Unitary Council communicate with tenants and inform them of how they intend to manage their homes when they take over?

Councillor Williams

Can the Director of Resources confirm or investigate that a sum in excess of £1,000,000 which would have been allocated to Housing Revenue Account for improving housing in Durham, has been spent on their General Fund Budget.

This will worsen the gap which this Council need to close in February.

Councillor Armstrong

Will the Leader of the Council give a commitment that, in contrast to Newcastle and Northumberland Councils, this Council will minimise redundancies in the current economic situation with no compulsory redundancies beyond those in the bid.

Councillor D Marshall

As it appears to be becoming an increasing practice for some Members of the Council to submit questions at full Council Meetings, I would ask that the costs of answering these questions are made available.

I do realise this is allowed under the Constitution and questions from the Public are particularly valued by Council Members.

Councillors on the other hand have many opportunities to obtain information from Cabinet Members or Officers and at other meetings of the Council such as Scrutiny and Highways, which the majority of Members are able to attend. These offer ideal situations for the majority of questions to be raised outside the Chamber.

Whilst it is recognised that on occasions urgent or important issues will be raised by Members in this meeting, should the current trend continue the costs of answering these questions could be significant and an unwanted drain on resources.

The time spent by Members and officers researching and answering some of these questions could be used more productively on Council Services.

I would ask that the costs are made available.