Meeting documents

County Council (DCC)
Friday 27 February 2009

            Meeting: County Council (County Hall, Durham - Council Chamber - 27/02/2009 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A6 Sedgefield Borough Housing - Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT)


Purpose of Report

1 The report informs Members of the up-to-date position relating to the proposed transfer of Sedgefield Borough’s Housing Stock to Sedgefield Borough Homes and seeks authority to authorise me to liaise with the Chief Executive of Sedgefield Borough Council and deal with any alterations to the detail of the transfer agreement.


2 At its meeting on 25th April 2008 Durham County Council’s Implementation Executive agreed to a proposal by Sedgefield Borough Council to transfer its Housing Stock and associated land to a standalone Registered Social Landlord.

3 This approval was given in accordance with guidance issued by CLG and was subject to a successful tenants’ ballot, consent from the CLG and that the terms and conditions of the agreement were to the satisfaction of the Director of Resources.

4 The tenants of Sedgefield were balloted on the proposal of LSVT to a new Registered Social Landlord, Sedgefield Borough Homes, in the summer of 2008.

5 Following a strong turnout of around 67% there was significant support to transfer with 74% voting in favour. This follows a similar pattern to Chester-le-Street, Derwentside and Teesdale where LSVT has previously taken place.

6 Given the strong mandate from tenants Sedgefield Borough Council agreed to continue with the housing stock transfer in August 2008 and significant work has been undertaken to progress the project.

7 Government Office North East and the Department for Communities and Local Government [DCLG] have supported the proposals and the Director of Resources is satisfied that the terms and conditions provide a robust and financially prudent agreement. The Transfer is expected to go ahead on 30th March 2009.

8 Sedgefield Borough Council are meeting today (27th February 2009) to consider a series of recommendations from their Chief Executive to proceed with the transfer.

9 Negotiations between Sedgefield Borough Council and Sedgefield Borough Homes is ongoing. Some adjustment in the final detail is almost inevitable in a transfer of this nature as more information becomes available to both organisations.

10 In order to ensure the transfer goes ahead, assuming that Sedgefield Borough Council approve the proposal this Council will need a mechanism to consider the impact of those ongoing negotiations.


11 It is recommended that the Corporate Director of Resources is authorised to consider and agree final alterations to the transfer agreement as proposed by the Chief Executive of Sedgefield Borough Council.


 Sedgefield Borough Housing LSVT.pdf