Meeting documents

Economy Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 20 June 2005

            Meeting: Economy Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 20/06/2005 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A6 Performance Management


Scrutiny Sub-Committee for Building a Strong Economy

20 June 2005

Performance Management

Report of Head of Overview and Scrutiny

Purpose of Report

1. To explain the way in which the Sub-Committee seeks to monitor performance in relation to issues within its jurisdiction.


2. The Overview and Scrutiny Committees have an important role in the Council’s overall arrangements for Performance Management. Regular reports on key performance issues are provided to the Sub-Committee to assist in this role.

3. All local authorities are required to publicly report their achievements in relation to a large number of performance indicators. These indicators are prescribed by the Government and are sometimes referred to as Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs). These indicators provide an opportunity to assess the Council’s performance and some involve comparison of performance on a national basis. For the Economy, compared to other Sub-Committees, there are very few Performance Indicators and those which apply to the Economy are not particularly helpful to the Sub-Committee in its monitoring role. Local Performance Indicators are being developed under a pilot arrangement to try to assist in more meaningful performance assessment. The first process, however, will be to establish baseline information.

4. Each Scrutiny Sub-Committee receives a quarterly report about the relevant Performance Indicators for that Sub-Committee. This information is provided in a symbol form. The relevance of the symbols will be explained in more detail at the Sub-Committee meeting.

5. The attached report from the Head of Corporate Policy explains the relevant performance management information for the Economy Scrutiny Sub-Committee. The main purpose of this item will be to provide an explanation about this information particularly for new Members and to give some guidance about those areas to which Members’ attention should be drawn.


6. You are asked to note this information.

Contact: Ian Mackenzie Tel: 0191 383 3506

Economy Scrutiny
20 June 2005
Building a Strong Economy ~
Performance Update 2004/05
Report of the Head of Corporate Policy

Purpose of the Report

1 The purpose of this report is to provide an end of year performance update (2004/05) for Best Value Performance Indicators and other measures relevant to Building a Strong Economy.

Building a Strong Economy

2. We are focusing on four strategic objectives
  • To create and retain jobs in County Durham
  • To create a diverse and robust employment structure with high quality jobs
  • To create the physical conditions necessary to enable flourishing economic activity
  • To foster an enterprise culture.
3. Attached as Appendix 1 is a table of the relevant BVPIs showing performance since 2000/2001 to date, and draft targets up to 2007/08. The 2004/05 actual figures are those that will be reported to the Audit Commission and appear in our Corporate & Best Value Performance Plan 2005/06.
4. As there are only 2 statutory BVPIs relevant to this corporate aim a number of additional performance measures are also included in Appendix 1. The council was involved in piloting CEDOS (Chief Economic Development Officers Society) indicators during 2004/05. Baseline data are now available and performance against these indicators will be tracked during 2005/06.
5. The CEDOS indicators being part of a pilot, and likely to amendment as the pilot is evaluated, it is not possible at this point to provide any targets for 05/06. This matter will be addressed when feedback is received from CEDOS and the indicators are confirmed.
6. Of particular note
  • Jobs supported through local grants and incentives, including performance from CDDC and Durham County Council - the target of 2000 has been exceeded by 321.
  • BV100 - Number of days of temporary traffic controls or road closure on traffic sensitive roads caused by road works per km of traffic sensitive road - this top quartile indicator is maintaining performance at 0.

6 That Economy Scrutiny Sub-Committee Members:

i. note the contents of this report
ii. agree to receiving quarterly performance progress reports throughout 2005/06

Contact: Bev Stobbart Tel: 0191 383 4001
Corporate Aim
2004/05 Target
2004/05 Actual
Performance Symbol
2005/2006 Target
2006/2007 Target
2007/08 Target
EC BV 96 *calculation amended 04/05 Condition of principal roads where strengthening needs to be considered: * makes use of TRACS (mechanised survey technique) mandatory
10.30% cvi (f) 12.80% (d)
8.00% cvi (f) 12.50% cvi (v)
10.90% cvi (v) 11.07% (d)
7.20% cvi (v) 9.90% (d)
Not set - new method
From 05/06 replaced by BV 223
Not set - new method
EC BV100 Number of days of temporary traffic controls or road closure on traffic sensitive roads caused by road works per km of traffic sensitive road.
10.30% cvi (f) 12.80% (d)

8.00% cvi (f) 12.50% cvi (v)

10.90% cvi (v) 11.07% (d)

7.20% cvi (v) 9.90% (d)
Not set - new method
EC Local Indicator Jobs supported through business grants and incentives
minium of 1500
Actual 04/05
Benchmarking indicators
Total number of businesses assisted
Total number of business start-ups supported
% satisfied or very satisfied with the business support services provided
Total capital value of inward investments
Average % occupancy rate of non-managed workspace


 Perf Management - policypdf.pdf;
 Item 6 pdf.pdf