Meeting documents

Economy Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 13 March 2006

            Meeting: Economy Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 13/03/2006 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A5 Performance Management Report


Economy Scrutiny
13th Mar 2006
Performance Update ~
3rd Quarter Performance 2005/06
Report of the Head of Corporate Policy

Purpose of the Report

1. The purpose of this report is to provide the third quarter performance update (2005/06) and final quartile positions (2004/05) for Best Value Performance Indicators relevant to the Corporate Aim, Building a Strong Economy.

There are currently only 2 Best Value Performance Indicators aligned to Building a Strong Economy. However, the Audit Commission has launched a set of voluntary Economic Regeneration Performance Indicators (ERPIs) covering a broad range of service areas, e.g. employment, skills, town centre management, tourism, business and enterprise. These measures are very relevant to the authority’s performance against Building a Strong Economy. Key Audit Commission indicators and others agreed following the CEDOS pilot (Chief Economic Development Officer Society) will be incorporated into the authority’s performance management framework for inclusion in quarterly reports from 2006/07.

Quartile Positions 04/05

2. The 2 Best Value Performance Indicators aligned to Building a Strong Economy can be tracked from 2003/04. Both BVPIs held the previous year’s quartile position. The following table contains the 2004/05 quartile positions.

Quartile Position
100 - Number of days of temporary traffic controls or road closure on traffic sensitive roads caused by road works per km of traffic sensitive road
96 - Condition of principal roads where strengthening needs to be considered: makes use of TRACS (mechanised survey technique) mandatory

Third Quarter Performance

3. 3rd quarter performance 05/06 for BVPIs aligned to Building a Strong Economy and estimates of year-end outturn where available are available in Appendix A.

Points to Note
4. BV096 (condition of principal roads) is calculated annually. Consequently, there is no data available. This BVPI will be reported at the year-end.

5. BV100 (number of days of temporary traffic controls or road closure on traffic sensitive roads caused by road works per km of traffic sensitive road) is showing deteriorated performance compared to 2004/05. It will not meet its year-end target due to work on the A167 Chilton Bypass and the new Park and Ride facility at Sniperly. It should be noted that it is unlikely that this BVPI will repeat its 2004/05 top quartile position.
6. EC1 (local jobs supported through business grants and incentives) Performance is low despite increases in the levels of assistance awarded introduced from the beginning of the quarter through the Incentives for Business scheme. However, consultation with partner organisations both at regional level (ONE) and locally (e.g. East Durham Business Service) has revealed that this level of activity is being experienced in other areas and is not unique to the activities of the County Durham Development Company.


7 That Economy Scrutiny Sub-Committee Members:

i. note the contents of this report
ii. agree to receiving subsequent quarterly performance progress reports
Contact: Bev Stobbart Tel: 0191 383 4001