Meeting documents

Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 20 March 2006

            Meeting: Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 20/03/2006 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A4 Performance Management - 3rd Quarter 2005/06


Scrutiny Sub-Committee
th March 2006
Looking After the Environment
rd Quarter Performance 2005/06

Report of the Head of Corporate Policy

Purpose of the Report

1 The purpose of this report is to provide the third quarter performance update (2005/06) and final quartile positions (2004/05) for Best Value Performance Indicators relevant to our Corporate Aim, Looking After the Environment.

Quartile Positions 04/05
2 There are 8 Best Value Performance Indicators aligned to Looking After the Environment that can be tracked from 2003/04. Of these, 3 held the previous year’s quartile position, 1 improved from the bottom quartile to the 3rd quartile (BV178) and 4 moved from the 2nd quartile to the 3 rd quartile (BV082ai, BV082bi, BV165 and BV187). The following table contains the 2004/05 quartile positions for 11 quartiled BVPIs relevant to Looking After the Environment.

A fall in quartile position for an individual indicator does not necessarily represent falling actual performance; if other authorities improve more than Durham County Council, it is possible to improve performance and yet drop quartile position. This is illustrated in 2 BVPIs (82ai and 82bi) relevant to Looking After the Environment.

Quartile Position BVPI
Top 102 - local bus passenger journeys / year
109a - % planning applications - major
Second 082ci - % household waste energy recovery
Third 082ai - % household waste recycled
082bi - % household waste composted
087 - Cost of waste disposal per tonne
165 - % pedestrian crossings with facilities for disabled people
178 - % footpaths and rights of way easy to use by public
Bottom 082di - % waste landfilled
084a - household waste collection (kg per head)
187 - condition of surface footway

Third Quarter Performance
3 3rd quarter performance 05/06 for BVPIs aligned to Looking After the Environment and estimates of year-end outturn where available are available in Appendix A.


4 A number of BVPIs have improved performance since final outturn for 2004/05 and the following are of particular note:

  • 82ai - % household waste recycled. Although this BVPI has attained a deteriorated quartile position for 2004/05, Q3 performance is better than 2004/05 outturn and is exceeding 2005/06 target. It is estimated that the amount of waste recycled will be 10% higher than the year-end target.
  • 82bi - % household waste composted . Although this BVPI has attained a deteriorated quartile position for 2004/05, Q3 performance is significantly better than 2004/05 outturn. The % of household waste composted has increased from 4.38% to 9.12%
  • 84di - % waste landfilled. Q3 performance is 7.19 percentage points lower than the 2004/05 outturn, resulting in this BVPI being on target for year end.
  • 178 - % footpaths and rights of way easy to use by public . Q3 performance is 11.6 percentage points higher than the 2004/05 outturn and is currently surpassing the 2005/06 target.
  • 215a - average number of days taken to repair a street lighting fault, which is under the control of the local authority . During April to December the average time to rectify street lighting under local authority control was 2.44 days. This is 11% better than the target time of 2.75 days.
  • 215b - average number of days taken to repair a street lighting fault, where response is under the control of a Distribution Network Operator (DNO) . During April to December the average time to rectify street lighting under DNO control was 9.41 days. This is less than half the target time of 20 days.

Potential cause for concern

5 A number of indicators are not set to achieve their year-end target or performance has deteriorated. Of particular note:
  • 82ci - % of household waste energy recovery. Although Q3 performance in better than outturn 2004/05, it is unlikely that the 2005/06 target will be met. Q3 performance is currently 0.07% and the estimated 2005/06 year-end outturn is 0.1%. This is compared to a target of 0.5%.
  • 102 - local bus passenger journeys / year . The 2005/06 year-end estimate, suggests that fewer bus journeys will be taken compared to 2004/05 and that the 2005/06 outturn will be 3% lower than target. Even though performance has deteriorated, it is expected that this BVPI will retain its top quartile position.
  • 109a - % planning applications determined within 13 weeks - major. Q3 performance is 5.9 percentage points lower than the 2004/05 year-end actual and 9.2 percentage points below the 2005/06 target. It is likely that this BVPI will move from top quartile position to second quartile during 2005/06.

That Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee Members:

i. note the contents of this report
ii. agree to receiving subsequent quarterly performance progress reports
Contact: Bev Stobbart Tel: 0191 383 4001

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 Item 4 attachment.xls;
 Item 4.doc