Meeting documents

Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 19 June 2006

            Meeting: Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 19/06/2006 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A10 Year End Performance 2005/06


Environment Scrutiny
th June 2006
Looking after the Environment
Year End Performance 2005/06

Report of the Head of Corporate Policy

Purpose of the Report

1. The purpose of this report is to provide an end of year performance update (2005/06) for Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs) relevant to our Corporate Aim, Looking after the Environment.
2. The end of year performance 05/06 for BVPIs aligned to Looking after the Environment is available in Appendix A.
3. There are 24 BVPIs relevant to our Corporate Aim, Looking after the Environment. 13 of the BVPIs do not have past information so comparison of the final outturn of 2005/06 to the final outturn of 2004/05 is not possible. Of those with past information 8 indicators improved performance, 1 deteriorated and 1 has not yet been calculated (BV 087 - financial data is not yet available to calculate this indicator). Of those indicators that had a target set for 2005/06, 15 (75%) met the target, 5 (25%) did not, 1 is based on an estimate (BV 102) and 1 is unknown (BV 087).
82ai - % Household waste recycled (T)
82bi - % Household waste composted
82ci - % Household waste energy recovered
82di - % Waste landfilled (T)
84a - Household waste collection (T)
165 - % Crossings adapted (T)
178 - % Footpaths etc. easy to use (T)
187 - Condition of surface footway (T)
109a - % planning applications - major
No comparative data
82aii - Tonnes household waste recycled (T)
82bii - Tonnes household waste recycled
82cii - Tonnes household waste energy
82dii - Tonnes household waste landfilled (T)
84b - Household waste % change (T)
87 - Cost of waste disposal per tonne
200a - plan making - development plan
200b - plan making - milestones
200c - plan making - monitor report
215a - Rectify street lights - non DNO (T)
215b - Rectify street lights - DNO (T)
223 - % principal road maintenance
224a - % non-principal road maintenance
224b - % unclassified road maintenance (T)

(T) denotes that the target for that indicator was met.

Areas of Improved Performance

4. The performance of a number of indicators improved since 2004/05. Of particular note:
  • BV 82ai - % Household waste recycled. During 2005/06, 46,713 tonnes of household waste (17.6%) was recycled, an improvement on both the 2004/05 outturn and the 2005/06 target. This is mainly due to an increase in Kerbside recycling throughout the County, including 12 months of operation in Easington district. Generally, campaigns to increase recycling rates have proved more effective than anticipated (notably placing stickers on bins).
  • BV 82bi - % Household waste composted. During 2005/06, 22,213 tonnes of household waste (8.37%) was recycled, a significant improvement on 2004/05 outturn. The reason that the 2005/06 target was not met was partly due to the aerobic digester not operating to full capacity for 12 months and due to delay in procuring additional treatment capacity through a new contract.
  • BV 82ci - % Household waste energy recovered. 200 tonnes of household waste was sent for energy recovery during 2005/06, equivalent to 0.08% of total household waste.
  • BV 82di - % Waste landfilled. During 2005/06, 196,217 tonnes of household waste was landfilled (73.95%). This is a significant improvement on the 2004/05 outturn and exceeds the 2005/06 target.
  • BV 84a - Household waste collection. 534.1 kilograms of household waste was collected per head of the population during 2005/06. This is less than during 2004/05 and better than the set target for 2005/06. This reduction is due to the impact of the permit scheme on reduced tonnage through the household waste recycling centres.
  • BV 165 - % Crossings adapted. More pedestrian crossings in the authority area have facilities for disabled people. This is an improvement on that achieved during 2004/05.
  • BV 178 - % Footpaths etc. easy to use. This BVPI is calculated using a 5% random sample, which is undertaken in 2 stages (May and November), of the network by length. The performance of this indicator is an improvement on both the 2004/05 outturn and the 2005/06 target due to the implementation of an action plan. This specifically involves the targeting of enforcement action, the use of Access Management Grant Scheme funding from the Countryside Agency to improve public rights of way leading to access land, and the use of LTP funding.
BV 187 - Condition of surface footway. Structural maintenance should be considered for 27.93% of the footway network (categories 1, 1a and 2). This compares favourably with 45.86% for 2004/05.

Areas of deteriorated performance

5. The performance of a number of indicators deteriorated since 2004/05. Of particular note:
  • BV 109a - % planning applications - major. During 2005/06, 67.38% of planning applications were determined within 13 weeks. This is less than during 2004/05 and the 2005/06 target.
  • BV 102 - Local bus passenger journeys / year. Final outturn for this indicator is not yet available but it is estimated 24,594,693 passenger journeys on buses were undertaken during 2005/06, a 0.81% decrease on the number taken in the previous year. Falling passenger numbers in recent years combined with above inflation increases implemented as a result of significant rises in operating costs has resulted in a downward trend in passenger numbers. However, during the latter part of 2005/06, the introduction of the new Durham City Park and Ride has created growth.

That Corporate Scrutiny Sub-Committee Members:

i. note the contents of this report
ii. agree to receiving subsequent quarterly performance progress reports
Contact: Debra Kitching Tel: 0191 383 4186

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